
  • 网络commodity contract
  1. 商品契约的稳定性主要是通过专用性投资和市场在确保履约方面的作用来实现的。

    The sustained validity of commodity contract is achieved through special investments and the binding power of the market force .

  2. 本文针对“商品契约优于要素契约”的观点,就商品契约稳定性问题作了进一步的探讨。

    Contraposing the viewpoint that commodity contract is superior to factor contract , this paper makes some researches ulteriorly into the stability of commodity contract .

  3. 农业产业化经营中契约形式的选择:要素契约还是商品契约一种基于GHM模型的思考

    A Choice of Contract in the Course of Agricultural Industrialization : the Contract of Commodity or the Contract of Factor & Thinking Based on a Model of Grossman-Hart-Moore

  4. 商品契约优于要素契约&以农业产业化经营中的契约选择为例

    Factor Contract is Superior to Commodity Contract The Factor of Graphs

  5. 试论优于要素契约的商品契约

    On the Superiority of Commodity Contracts over Factor Contracts

  6. 要素契约与商品契约的优劣替代:基于企业形态分析

    Superior and Inferior Substitutes for Enterprise 's Factors Contracts and Goods Contracts in Different Stages : Based on Enterprise Form Analysis

  7. 随着规模效应递减,出现非一体化趋势,企业的商品契约便优于要素契约。

    With the large-scale effect decline , tendency of non-integration appear , enterprise 's goods contracts are be superior to those of the factors contracts .

  8. 利益联结模式是企业和农户的合作以要素契约为主,要素契约和商品契约合理组合。

    In benefit coupling model , the cooperation between enterprises and farmers is mainly based on production elements contracts , combined with commercial contract reasonable .

  9. 市场与企业的规模得到扩大,生产内部化的企业要素契约优于商品契约;

    With the scale of the enterprise and market are extensive , factors contracts of product interiorize enterprise are superior to those of the goods contracts ;

  10. 代替要素契约的商品契约是企业间寓指挥和服从于商品交易的特殊契约&超市场契约。

    Commodity contracts that substitute for factor contracts are a kind of contracts , or super-market contracts , with which enterprises command and subject to commodity business .

  11. 产品专用性强的商品契约自身能有效地抑制农户将产品转售市场的机会主义行为,因而契约是稳定的;

    It concludes as follows : if the product specificity is strong , the commodity contract can effectively curb farmer 's opportunist behavior and it is sta-ble .

  12. 以商品契约替代要素契约,或企业的非一体化现象,是目前正在发生的、与企业替代市场相反的现象。

    The current phenomenon of the substitution of commodity contracts for factor contracts , also called enterprise non-integration , is opposite to the practice of enterprise replacing the market .

  13. 要素契约与商品契约源自于新制度经济学的企业契约理论,而新制度经济学的代表人物多认为企业产生是要素契约取代商品契约;

    Factors contracts and goods contracts stem from new institution economics about enterprise contract theory , while most new institution economics ' delegates think that enterprise stem from replacing goods contracts with factors contracts .

  14. 而作为普遍道德意义上的诚信和基于商品契约的诚信,并没有成为中国古代社会独立的社会道德和法律原则。

    However , the Good Faith , both in terms of universal morality and based on the goods contracts , did not serve as an independent social morality and law principle in the ancient society in China .

  15. 既然契约理论源于企业与市场的相关关系,那么放在企业与市场的历史演变背景下,探讨要素契约与商品契约的优劣替代,则更为客观。

    Since enterprise contracts theory stem from correlation with enterprise and market . So , under the historical background of enterprise and market 's evolvement , it is more objective to quest which is better between factors contracts and goods contracts .

  16. 这种接轨的动因可分为:外在动因&发展商品经济的契约制度需求;

    The external motive of it is the need for contract system in commercial economy ;

  17. 本文将被开发商保留了部分共有资源产权的商品房买卖契约定义为不完全契约,通过梳理产权理论、契约理论、个体知识与共同知识形成理论、制度变迁理论;

    This paper defines that the real estate deal contract is an incomplete contract . After investigating property right theory and contract 's theory individual knowledge and common knowledge theory , institution evolvement theory ;

  18. 在现代商品经济社会,契约或称合同是财产流转的主要承载形式之一,发挥着日益重要的作用。

    In the contemporary commodity economy society , as one of the main form of property circulate , contract brings into the more and more important play .

  19. 而诚信就是一切信用形式的共同基础,是商品社会的社会契约之一,是市场经济有序发展的前提。

    And credit is the common base of all credit forms , is one of the covenants in commodity society , is the precondition for regular development of market economy .

  20. 第二章分别对订单农业中的农户与龙头企业以及两者的特征与两者之间的商品交易关系和契约关系进行了介绍。

    Chapter ⅱ respectively explains the characteristics of farmers and the leading enterprises in the " Order Agriculture ", and the relationship of merchandise trade and the contractual relations between them .