
  • 网络Business model;Business Modeling
  1. 显而易见的是,Oracle以盈利为中心的商业模型会改变Java文化的一些方面。

    It seems clear that Oracle 's profit-driven business model will transform some aspects of Java culture .

  2. 但是IP作为承载层,以用户自律为基础,自由发展,缺少管理,是一个非盈利的商业模型,它不完全适合于下一代电信网络的发展。

    But IP as carrying layer is based on the self discipline , free , lack of management , it is not a profit business model and adaptive next generation internet .

  3. 还探讨了公司如何使用Web服务来提高生产效率并升级其商业模型。

    Some discussions are also carried out as to how to improve production efficiency and upgrade the trade model by way of Web service .

  4. •苹果应用程序商店的商业模型来自iTunes商店

    • the app store market model came out of the iTunes Store

  5. 文章从商业模型和服务体系结构的角度,对TINA在下一代移动系统中的应用进行了研究和探讨。

    In this paper we mainly discuss the application of TINA in next generation mobile system from business model and service architecture viewpoints .

  6. 云端、LBS和社交网络服务的需求增长同样也在改变商业模型。

    The increase in demand for cloud services , location-based services , and social networking is also altering the business model landscape .

  7. 为此,主要的软件开发业界先驱、内容提供者和企业家必须认识到mashup的价值,它意味着可行的商业模型。

    For this to happen , major software development industry leaders , content providers , and entrepreneurs will have to find value in mashups , which means viable business models .

  8. InfoQ:在移动应用设计中,商业模型也是一个越来越受关注的对象,您能够分享一些优秀的策略帮助开发者从他们的程序中获取收入吗?

    InfoQ : Business models are becoming an increasing factor in the mobile application design , could you share with us some of the best strategies to help developers monetize their applications ?

  9. SandyCarter介绍了如何将您的业务解析成“组件化的”商业模型,然后对带有可以快速、简单,且经济地采用且可重复的IT服务的模型进行支持。

    Sandy Carter shows how to deconstruct your business into a " componentized " business model , then support that model with linked , repeatable IT services that can adapt quickly , easily , and economically .

  10. Nordstrom证明在坚持“客户永远是正确”的前提下,可以建立一个盈利的商业模型。

    Nordstrom proved that a profitable business model could be built on the proposition that the customer is always right .

  11. ISV可以利用这一市场的成长机会来提供应用和解决方案来帮助他们的客户完成到随需应变商业模型的过渡。

    ISVs can take advantage of the opportunities in this market growth to provide applications and solutions to help their customers'transition toward On Demand Business models .

  12. 通过在商业模型和挖掘算法之间建立映射,CIAS使得用户直接利用商业模型解决问题,而不是面对复杂的算法,从而提供友好、易用的数据挖掘应用环境。

    By mapping between business models and algorithms , CIAS makes users directly use business models solving detail problems , not complexity data mining algorithms , so provides a friendly and easily use data mining application environment .

  13. 中国农副产品交易网的商业模型及实践

    The Commerce Model and Implementation of China Agriculture Sideline Product Market

  14. 一种地方电信系统电子商业模型的构想

    The Consideration on E - business Model of Local Telecom Design

  15. 我只要先证明商业模型就行了。

    I just need to prove out the business model first .

  16. 资金急缺和商业模型疲软早已成了路人皆知的事实。

    Weaknesses in funding and business models have been laid horribly bare .

  17. 非对称数字水印在商业模型中的应用

    The application of asymmetric digital watermarking in commercial model

  18. 这个公司的目标和商业模型是怎么样的呢?

    So what are the goals and the business model of the company ?

  19. 并非所有开源商业模型都能成功。

    Not all open source business models succeed .

  20. 其中有些商业模型是以广告为基础的。

    Some of those business models are advertising-based .

  21. 公司上,以修复残缺的商业模型。

    May look to generic drug companies to repair up a damaged business model .

  22. 你的商业模型是否能有力地应对可持续发展带来的制约与机会?

    Is your business model robust enough to cope with the SD constraints and opportunities ?

  23. 计量的功能性适合很多可能的商业模型,如

    The functionality of the meter can serve a number of possible business models , such as

  24. 需求和商业模型阶段任务

    Requirements and business modeling tasks

  25. 我们有机会引起那些正开发革新的开放式商业模型的企业家和出版商们的关注。

    We have the opportunity to engage entrepreneurs and publishers who are developing innovative open business models .

  26. 他蜷缩在自己的角落里,被信贷损失和千疮百孔的商业模型掏空了。

    He sits hunched in his corner , drained by credit losses and a wounded business model .

  27. 一个公司该如何重新利用所有资源和数据来创造新的商业模型和机会?

    How can a company re-use of all resources and data to create new business models and opportunities ?

  28. 提出一种相对完整的商业模型中非对称水印的实施方案,该方案可有效证明版权归属、跟踪盗版用户;

    This paper proposes a kind of asymmetric digital watermarking plan which is relative integral in the commercial model .

  29. 裁减采用强大的方法,及丰富的商业模型知识&不容易找到的质量。

    Tailoring assumes both strong methodological and business model knowledge & qualities that might not be easy to find .

  30. 当医疗保险和资助服务中心开始为老年医疗保险设计按效付费方案时,商业模型的信息可能是必需的。

    As the CMS begins to design a pay-for-performance program for Medicare , information on commercial models may prove critical .