
  • 网络Sales offices
  1. 作为一名普通买楼者,一脚踏进售楼处,面对巧舌如簧的销售人员,被花花绿绿的宣传资料所包围,你还能保持清醒的头脑吗?

    As a general property , one foot into the sales offices , in the face of sophisticated marketing personnel , surrounded by colorful promotional information , you can keep a cool head ?

  2. 同时,在商品房售楼处创新性的导入平衡计分卡,相信会对全国数以万计的商品房代理公司以借鉴与裨益。

    We believe that the innovative introduction of BSC in marketable real estate sales offices will be of reference and help to the thousands of marketable real estate sales agency companies throughout China .

  3. 他们举着标语,砸了售楼处的楼盘模型,并要求开发商九龙仓集团有限公司(Wharf(Holdings)Ltd.,简称:九龙仓集团)退款。这些业主购房之后,九龙仓集团把房价下调了20%,导致他们购买的房屋瞬间贬值。

    They put up banners , trashed architectural models in the showroom and demanded refunds from the developer , Wharf ( Holdings ) Ltd. Wharf had cut prices by as much as 20 % after these protesters bought their apartments , making their purchases suddenly worth less .

  4. 绿地售楼处2,上海,2006年室内。

    Greenland Sales Center II , Shanghai , 2006 Interior .

  5. 风格样板&长沙西街花园售楼处室内设计

    Interior Design of Building-Sell House in Changsha West Street Garden

  6. 分析与细分&售楼处设计

    Analysis and subdivision : design of house Sales Office

  7. 该项目的业主周末也在售楼处外举行了抗议。

    Homeowners protested outside that project 's showroom as well over the weekend .

  8. 售楼处的转型及可持续发展

    Transformation of houses selling office and sustainable development

  9. 一个售楼处的设计

    Design of a house selling office

  10. “中国实时报”栏目记者周二到天鸿香榭里售楼处时,大约有20位老业主在静坐抗议。

    Some 20 disgruntled homeowners were sitting quietly in the showroom when China Real Time turned up Tuesday .

  11. 安保人员身着黑色衬衫,带着黑色帽子,警觉地注视着售楼处内剩余的展品。

    Security guards dressed in black shirts and caps kept a watchful eye on what was left of the display .

  12. 亲爱的顾客们,本公司已经安排律师及银行顾问在地下售楼处。

    Dear customers , we have already arranged to have the lawyers and bankers meet us on the ground floor .

  13. 在楼市高峰期,他们还会出现在新楼盘的售楼处。

    During the prime time of real estate market , they may also appear at the sales office of new housing development .

  14. 第五章结论与展望,总结了本文对售楼处研究的成果与售楼处未来发展趋势的展望。

    The fifth chapter is the conclusion and prospect , summarized the paper research achievements and trends of future sales office development .

  15. 售楼处内空无一人,过去两个月连一套房子也没有卖出去,但价格却丝毫没有松动。

    The showroom is empty and for the past two months not a single flat has been sold , yet prices have not budged .

  16. 当地一家媒体的照片显示,充满渴望的消费者们带着椅子和折叠床,和他们的家人在售楼处外露宿。

    A picture in the local press showed eager customers who brought chairs and folding beds to camp outside the sales office with their families .

  17. 在最近走访罗兰香谷售楼处时,记者只看到身穿巴西足球队黄色球衣的销售人员,看房者寥寥无几。

    At a recent visit to the Charming Land showroom , the place was void of people except for sales staff dressed in Brazil 's yellow soccer jerseys .

  18. 本文通过对现行售楼处的调研分析得出当前售楼处建筑在运营使用中的问题和发展趋势。

    This thesis study on the current operating sales offices cases and research to find the sales offices building in the use of problems and the development trend .

  19. 几个星期以前的中国中部城市武汉,300人在排队购买新房,一些人在开始销售前两天就来到售楼处。

    Several weeks earlier in the central Chinese city of Wuhan , 300 people lined up to buy new apartments , some of them arriving two days before the sale .

  20. 本文详细介绍了北京万通新世界售楼处内张拉膜结构工程的设计、制作和施工全过程。

    This article introduces the full process of design , fabrication and construction of a tensioned membrane structure in the sale house of Wantong New World estate project in beijing .

  21. 徐女士尤其感到愤怒的是,开发商动用了保安,将抗议的业主挡在了售楼处外。

    The buyer , who would give only her surname , Xu , was especially angry that the developer brought in guards to block the protesters from the showroom . '

  22. 项目简介:设计采用新装饰主义,售楼处休闲空间采用线条感和序列感很强的铺装形式来体现出装饰艺术风格的特点。

    Design Description : The neo-Art Deco style is adopted in this project which is reflected by the linear and sequential paving in the leisure space of the sales office area .

  23. 因此,本文根据售楼处室内空间目前所存在的问题,提出了相应的可持续发展策略,并对售楼处室内空间未来的发展提出了展望。

    As a result , for the present problems , this paper puts forward the corresponding sustainable development strategy and outlook for the future development of indoor space in real estate window .

  24. 开发商下调后期楼盘售价时,中国房地产业主通常会在售楼处外示威。周一大批当地媒体报道了杭州老业主上门讨说法的消息。

    Chinese property owners often demonstrate outside showrooms when developers cut prices of subsequent units , and news of Hangzhou 's angry buyers ' outrage was splashed across local media on Monday .

  25. 同时,基于公司独特资源与能力,售楼处精细化管理水平将成为该项业务能否迅速发展的关键所在。

    Meanwhile , with the unique resources and strengths of the company , the level of lean management in the sales offices is becoming the key to whether this business can develop rapidly .

  26. 另外,由于把售楼处这一建筑形式作为主要研究对象的相关资料较少,这样一个完整性的研究论述对补充这一方面的资料有积极的作用。

    In addition , because there are few related information to take sales offices this building form as the main research object , such a complete study on it would have a positive effect on complement this subject .

  27. 售楼处建筑的形式也由最初用后即拆的临时性建筑逐步转变为更加理性的,结合居住区会所、配套商业等功能设计的可持续利用建筑。

    The form of Sales office building is gradual transforming form the temporary building which is demolished after temporary use gradually transformed into a more rational and sustainable design which combine with the functions such as clubs and business buildings in the residential areas .

  28. 目前一些楼盘的开发商也意识到售楼处可持续发展的重要性,如一些开发商在售楼处结束销售任务以后,将其改为会所、超市、物业公司等。

    At the present , many buildings ′ investors come to realize the importance of the sustainable development of the real estate windows . For example , the investors would change it into club , supermarket , property management company , etc. after it finishes its mission .