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  1. 出土文献与唐代文学史新视野

    Excavated Documents and the New Vision of Tang Dynasty Literary History

  2. 作为晚唐古文运动的殿军,孙樵在唐代文学史乃至中国文学史上具有较重要的地位。

    Sun Qiao is the top man of classical Chinese literature movement in late Tang Dynasty .

  3. 王绩是初唐重要的诗人,在唐代文学史中占有重要的地位。

    Wang Ji was the important poet of the early Tang Dynasty , occupying the important status in the literature history in the Tang Dynasty .

  4. 其作家、作品数量很少,在唐代文学史中影响也不大;但在岭南历史文化发展中占据重要的地位。

    There are few articles among writers , which have less impact on the Tang literature history , however , it still leads a dominant role in the development of history and culture in South of the Five Ridges .

  5. 元结是盛、中唐转折时期重要的诗人与诗论家,在唐代文学发展史中处于承上启下的重要地位。

    Yuan Jie , one of the most important poets and poetic critics during the prosperous and middle Tang Dynasty , has played a significant role in connecting the previous and following development of the literature in that Era .

  6. 该书对研究唐代社会历史和文学史有所帮助。

    It is helpful for one who studies the history of Tang Dynasty .

  7. 本文透过诗歌的溯源探流,考察唐代联句诗在文学史上的意义。

    This paper want to indagate the meaning of Tang 's Joint Authorship Poems .

  8. 唐代文学是中国文学史上最辉煌的时期,创造了后世难以为继的繁荣。

    Literature in the Tang Dynasty is so prosperous in the history of Chinese literature that the later generations find it hard to continue its glory .

  9. 唐代诗僧是唐代文学史上一个特殊的创作群体。唐代诗僧不仅自觉地创作诗歌,还自觉地评论诗歌,具有创作主体与批评主体合一的性质。

    The poem-monk group in the Tang Dynasty is a special creation group in the Tang Dynasty literature history .

  10. 关于唐代亭台记的研究零星的出现在唐代文学史、文学思想史和有关杂记文的论文当中,因此对唐代亭台记的研究还没有形成专门的系统。

    Research about Tang Dynasty Pavilions prose fragmentarily appears in literature history , literature ideology history and related miscellany article paper of Tang Dynasty , therefore research of the Tang Dynasty Pavilions prose has not formed a special system .

  11. 唐代是中华民族最为骄傲的时代,唐诗在唐代文学史上乃至整个中国文学史上都有着举足轻重的地位。

    Tang Dynasty was the most proud era of the Chinese . Tang poetry have a pivotal position in the Tang Dynasty and the whole history of literature in the history of Chinese literature .