
  • 网络Cossack Cavalry
  1. 笑话一则:一位穷苦的犹太人住在19世纪俄国的犹太村庄里,这天,一位骑着马的哥萨克骑兵来到他的身边。

    Joke : A poor Jew lived in the shtetl in19th century Russia . A Cossack comes up to him on horseback .

  2. 哥萨克骑兵装备长剑和复合短弓,尽管盔甲简陋,但极为骁勇善战。

    Fierce and hardy , although lacking in armour , Cossacks are equipped with a sword and composite bow which they use from horseback .

  3. 哥萨克骑兵一生大半时光都在马背上度过,并且惯于执行各种城镇、道路、城堡和城邑的防御守备任务。

    Russian Cossacks spend much of their time on horseback , and as such are accustomed to the tasks of guarding and protecting towns , roads , forts and settlements .

  4. 那匹老马因长途艰苦跋涉而疲累不堪,便倒了下去。当困苦不堪的法国人在雪地里艰苦跋涉时,蜂拥而来的哥萨克骑兵向他们进攻。

    The old horse was worn out by the long and painful journey and sank under him . Swarms of Cossacks attacked the suffering French as they trudged through snow .