
  • Hades;Hadith;Hardee's
  1. 赫斯提亚是宙斯,波塞冬和哈迪斯的姐姐。

    Hestia is the sister to Zeus , Poseidon , and Hades .

  2. 他是宙斯和哈迪斯的兄弟。

    He is the brother of Zeus and Hades .

  3. 他的象征是火和铁匠的锤子。哈迪斯

    His symbol was fire and a blacksmith 's hammer .

  4. 他怎么会是哈迪斯?

    How could he be related to hades ?

  5. 那样的话你将容许我把我的爱人从哈迪斯的手中带回来吗?

    Will that allow me to bring my love back from the grasp of Hades himself !

  6. 阿瑞斯:再见了斯巴达人,你会腐烂在哈迪斯的深渊,直到永远。

    Ares : Good-bye Spartan , you will rot in the depths of Hades for all eternity .

  7. 他是冥界的掌管者,哈迪斯通常被是严酷的神。

    Because of his association with the underworld , Hades is often thought of as a grim figure .

  8. 人类的伙伴,他给人类引进了度量衡,也把死者的灵魂护送至哈迪斯的冥界。

    As a friend to the mortals , he introduced weights and measures and he also escorts the dead to Hades .

  9. 当克瑞托斯从哈迪斯的冥府中返回到阳间的时候,他发现他和那个神殿外面的老头再一次相遇了。

    When Kratos finally returns from hades , he discovers the old man he had met outside the temple of the oracle .

  10. 同时,冥王哈迪斯抓走了珀西的母亲,让事态进一步恶化。冥王声称,要找回母亲,就拿闪电杖来换。

    But it gets worse : his mother has been taken by Hades , who also wants the bolt in exchange for her safe return .

  11. 哈迪斯和他的兄弟宙斯,波塞冬一起打败了提坦,了宇宙的统治权,掌管冥界,天空和海洋。

    Hades and his brothers Zeus and Poseidon defeated the Titans and claimed rulership over the universe ruling the underworld , sky , and sea .

  12. 由于他是冥界的掌管者,哈迪斯通常被认为是一个严酷的神。他常与节杖,丰饶之角,三个头的地狱看门狗有关。

    Because of his association with the underworld , Hades is often thought of as a grim figure . He is often associated with a sceptre , cornucopia , or Cerburus , the three-headed dog .