
  • 网络port harcourt;Harcourt
  1. 这艘名叫Halifax是在哈科特港附近被袭击的,尚无有关油轮上外国员工情况的报道。

    The vessel , the Halifax , was attacked near Port Harcourt . There 's no word on the condition of the foreign crew .

  2. 货运是通过空运货物到尼日利亚的哈科特港。

    Freight is through air cargo to Port Harcourt Nigeria .

  3. 南部石油之都哈科特港的人们就没有这么幸运了。

    People in Port Harcourt , the oil capital in the south , have not been so lucky .

  4. 文中称,哈科特港的埃博拉疫情有可能比拉各斯发展得范围更广、扩散得更快。

    It said the Ebola outbreak in Port Harcourt had the potential to grow larger and spread faster than the one in Lagos .

  5. 数十艘满载士兵,机枪和火箭弹的船只抵达哈科特港举行裁军仪式。

    Dozens of boats crowded with fighters carrying machine guns and rocket launchers arrived in the city of Port Harcourt for the disarmament ceremony .

  6. 这名医生身处南部城市哈科特港,于8月22日死亡,五天后被确诊是感染了埃博拉病毒。

    The doctor , in the southern city of Port Harcourt , died on Aug. 22 , and his infection was confirmed five days later .

  7. 文中称,哈科特港的埃博拉疫情“有可能比拉各斯发展得范围更广、扩散得更快”。

    It said the Ebola outbreak in Port Harcourt had " the potential to grow larger and spread faster than the one in Lagos . "

  8. 声明表示,追踪哈科特港的疾病传播状况时发现,存在多次将病毒传染给他人的高风险机会。

    Tracing the spread of the disease in Port Harcourt , the statement said , revealed multiple high-risk opportunities for transmission of the virus to others .

  9. 两周以前,武装分子在尼日尔三角洲主要城市哈科特港附近绑架了为一家建筑公司工作的两名德国人。

    Armed men kidnapped two Germans working for a construction firm near Port Harcourt , the main city in the Niger Delta , two weeks ago .

  10. 声明表示,追踪哈科特港的疾病传播状况时发现,存在“多次将病毒传染给他人的高风险机会”。

    Tracing the spread of the disease in Port Harcourt , the statement said , revealed " multiple high-risk opportunities for transmission of the virus to others . "