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pǐn tí
  • appraise
品题 [pǐn tí]
  • [appraise] 评论人物,定其高下

  • 好共核论乡党人物,每月辄更其品题,故汝南俗有月旦评焉。--《后汉书.许劭传》

品题[pǐn tí]
  1. 第二,人物品题对制定战略战术起着不可估量的作用;

    Secondly , it played an important role in formulating strategies and tactics ;

  2. 汉魏之际人物品题的三大社会功用

    The three social functions of comment on people in the Han-Wei transitional period

  3. 明代的品题批评有两个特点:一是规模大;二是参与诗学体系的构建。

    There are two characteristics in Style criticism used analogy : large scale , Participate in the Construction of Poetics .

  4. 汉魏之际,人物品题之风盛行,这极大地促进了人们对人才学理论的探讨。

    The talent theory has been profoundly studied and rapidly promoted because of the practice of appraising intellectuals in the Han-Wei Transitional Period .

  5. 在游学地建立了广泛的人脉关系,并获得了社会名流给予的上佳品题;

    At the same time he also is on good terms with many people , which helps him gain praise from social celebrities .

  6. 品题是山地园林植物景观文化的主要表达方式,文章按其功能的不同分别进行了阐述。

    Titles are the main expression of plant landscape culture , and this paper illustrates them respectively in the light of their functions . 4 .

  7. 礼法之士这种重视德行的人才思想在具体的人物品题实践中,主要表现为三个方面:一是重忠孝仁义礼信之美德;

    In practice , the stress on the latter found expression in three aspects : the virtues of loyalty , filialness , benevolence , righteousness , courtesy and faith ;