
  1. 但这不仅要建立品牌识别度,还要说服消费者购买包装好的鸡胸和鸡翅,而不是在市场上买刚刚屠宰好的整鸡,并且让他们愿意为所谓高品质的鸡肉花更多钱。

    But that will require building name recognition and persuading consumers to buy packaged breasts and wings instead of entire birds recently slaughtered at market-and to pay more for chicken billed as higher quality .

  2. 罗曼表示他加入公司是因为受到联想创新行动和杨元庆决心的打动,并将其品牌识别度的缺乏视为一次机会。

    Mr. Roman says he joined the company because he was impressed by Lenovo 's innovative efforts and Mr. Yang 's determination , and saw its lack of brand identity as ' an opportunity . '

  3. 三星进军农村市场将会遭遇善打价格战的本土竞争对手,但分析师表示,强大的品牌识别度是三星的优势,至少目前如此。

    By going to the countryside , Samsung will be moving in on domestic rivals able to compete on price . But analysts says its strong brand identity has given Samsung an advantage , at least for now .