
  • 网络branding;Brand;Brand design;Branding Design
  1. 艾图品牌设计机构专注于白金五星级、五星级酒店以及国际精品酒店VI设计,品牌推广。

    Aitooad brand design organization chart focus on : five-star hotels and platinum five-star hotel VI international brand image design and brand promotion .

  2. 不-我不想增加我的品牌设计服务。

    No-I don 't plan to increase my brand design services .

  3. TOMATO大码头品牌设计顾问致力于品牌研究,品牌创建,品牌沟通、推广及品牌管理的专业顾问设计策划机构。

    TOMATO Brand Designing & Associates is a professional design organization which is focus on brand studying and brand building , brand communication , brand spreading and management .

  4. 福特(Ford)、捷豹(Jaguar)和阿斯顿马丁(AstonMartin)看起来好像是三家不相关的汽车公司,但实际上它们背后站着两个相同的设计师,他们为这三个品牌设计的车身外观已经各自沿袭了20多年。

    Ford , Jaguar and Aston Martin are seemingly unrelated car companies , but they 're unified by a pair of designers whose iconic look has carried through each brand over the last 20 years .

  5. 通过对产品开发策划、广告设计策划、品牌设计策划、企业文化与CI策划等类别的系统研究,探讨设计策划的基本要素和理论方法。

    This part discusses the basic elements and principles of design planning , through the systematic researches in different categories , such as the design of products , of advertisements , of brands , and of corporation culture and Corporation Identity , etc.

  6. 他们在德国举办了一个大型展览,展示我为芬迪、香奈儿、拉格菲尔德和寇依(Chloé)等品牌设计的所有作品。

    In Germany , they made a huge exhibition of everything I did , Fendi , Chanel , Lagerfeld , Chlo é and all that .

  7. 第二部分,VIS设计中品牌设计的内涵与外延,从理性认识和感性认识两个方面来深度剖析VIS设计对品牌的重要影响,从而树立起品牌独特的形象特征。

    The second part of the connotation and denotation of the VIS , design , brand design , from rational knowledge and perceptual depth analysis of the VIS design brand , thus establishing a unique brand image characteristics .

  8. 但我们该做的是去找合适的鞋穿,而不是等着让脚适应鞋。如果能有像VictoriaBeckham这样的时尚品牌设计出真正适合脚的鞋子,那它将会在业界大获全胜。

    But what we should be doing is fitting peoples shoes around their feet , rather than the other way around . If a fashion icon such as Victoria Beckham designed a range of shoes that really fitted our feet , then that would be a real game-changer .

  9. 巴塔哥尼亚(Patagonia)品牌设计出内置防晒功能的快干衣物,Scottevest品牌设计的旅行服装有各种口袋,从眼镜到iPad,平时放在手提包里的东西都可以塞进这些口袋里。

    Patagonia makes quick-dry clothes with built-in sunscreen . And Scottevest designs travel clothes with pockets that let you wear everything you would typically stuff into a carry-on bag , from your glasses to your iPad .

  10. KUHLE在服装设计上虽然具有强烈的都市风格,但“时尚、简单”是描述KUHLE品牌设计原理的最好字眼。

    KUHLE in dress designing , although has the intense metropolis style , but " is fashionable , is simple " describes the KUHLE brand principle of design best phrase .

  11. 武汉旅游节庆品牌设计研究

    Research on brand design of tourism festivals and special events in Wuhan

  12. 鸟巢、水立方在商业化运营中的品牌设计与实施

    Brand design and implementation in commercial operation of Nest and Water Cube

  13. 注重品牌设计与保护;

    3 , Pay attention to design and protect brand ;

  14. 中日玩具品牌设计之比较

    A Comparison between Chinese and Japanese Toy Brand Design

  15. 时装品牌设计与策划体系研究

    Study on Designing & Planing System for Fashion Brand

  16. 在品牌设计策略的理念上得到了公司高层的肯定!

    Obtained the company high level affirmation in the brand design strategy idea !

  17. 您还记得任何其它品牌设计元素吗?

    Do you remember any elements of the branding ?

  18. 其中对于教育品牌设计有着丰富的实战经验。

    Have rich actual combat experience among them to the design educating a brand .

  19. 你好,我们是浙江工业大学品牌设计研究中心的执行机构。

    Hello , We are Zhejiang University of Technology Brand Research Center , Brand Design Inc.

  20. 没有生长机能的品牌设计,也将很快失去生命活力,结果不言而喻。

    A brand design with little room for further growth is doomed to be short-lived .

  21. 市场营销是品牌设计创意的来源和检验。

    The market is the source and test place of the design creativeness of the brand .

  22. 色彩由于其突出的营销功能而在服饰品牌设计理念中占有很大的比重。

    Color , because of its outstanding marketing function , takes great proportion in brand design .

  23. 党恒设计以品牌设计为核心的一家专业综合性设计机构。

    DHENG Design is a professional & comprehensive design organization taking brand design as the core .

  24. 奥蓝奇致力做最有沟通力的品牌设计。

    Olympic Blue is committed to doing the most odd power of the brand communication design .

  25. 投资回报率这么诱人,对品牌设计趋之若鹜的企业真不见怪。

    So attractive return on investment , no wonder the business community to the brand design in droves .

  26. 设计创造奇迹&品牌设计之价值体现

    Design Creating the Miracle

  27. 品牌设计的价值和作用也可见一斑,对商业的影响更是无可估量。

    The value and role of brand design can also be seen , the commercial impact is immeasurable .

  28. 在此分析的基础上,指出中国品牌设计的国际化要与本土化相结合。

    Based on the analyses , the thesis points out Chinese brand 's design internationalization combined with localization .

  29. 利用视知觉理论和品牌设计原理分析山寨品牌的混淆手段,列举山寨品牌的案例。

    Using confusion means of copycat brand theory of visual perception and brand design principle , enumerated the copycat brands .

  30. 最后论文提出了品牌设计的国际化框架,重点对品牌识别设计的国际化策略进行了探讨。

    Finally , the thesis brings forward a frame of brand 's design internationalization , which emphases on the internationalization of the brand'sidentification .