
  • 网络Branding;brand management;Brand Operation
  1. 透过本研究发现,品牌经营意识参与下的X学校校本课程开发,采用大学与高中相结合的开发模式,实现了双赢。

    Through this study , we find that , in the participation of brand management consciousness , school-based curriculum development of X school achieve a win-win situation with the cooperation of the private high school and the university .

  2. 新形势下企业的品牌经营初探

    A Preliminary Exploration on Brand Management of Enterprises in New Situation

  3. 新经济条件下的品牌经营展望

    Prospects of Management of Good Brands under the New Economic Conditions

  4. 广播品牌经营的困惑与出路

    The Confusion and Way out of the Management of Broadcasting Brand

  5. 这是个人品牌经营中一个临界的但经常被忽视的要素。

    This is a critical but often-overlooked component of personal branding .

  6. 浅谈服装面料与服装品牌经营

    Discussion on the relationships between fashion fabrics and fashion brand operation

  7. 旅游饭店品牌经营及形象塑造战略研究

    Study On Management of Brand and Portray Image of Tourist Hotel

  8. 当前我国电视娱乐节目品牌经营的策略研究

    The Brand Management Tactics Research of Current Television Entertainment in China

  9. 第二部分研究背景分析,指出我省白酒企业进行品牌经营管理研究的背景;

    The second part is analysis of the research background .

  10. 品牌经营:中国民航十一五成长的战略要径

    The Brand Management , A Strategic Route for China Civil Aviation Industry

  11. 长沙外国语学校品牌经营战略研究

    The Study on the Brand Managing Strategy of Changsha Foreign Language School

  12. 武钢快餐品牌经营模式初探

    Probe on Operating Mode of Fast Food Brand in WISCO

  13. 教育品牌经营:多元主体结构与维护对策分析

    Education Brand Management : Multi-Host Structure and Maintaining Strategy Analysis

  14. 医生在医院品牌经营中的作用

    The effect of the doctor on the brand management in the hospital

  15. 以酒文化为底蕴建设品牌经营工程

    As Details of Culture of Alcoholic Drink Constructing Famous Brand Operating Project

  16. 房地产企业品牌经营战略体系构建

    The Construction of the Brand Management Strategy System in Real Estate Enterprise

  17. 医院品牌经营的制度基础

    The base for the system of operating hospital 's brand

  18. 报纸评论专栏品牌经营研究

    The Research on Brand Management in Columns of Newspaper Commentary

  19. 品牌经营:旅行社竞争之发展战略

    The Brand Management : Competition Development Strategy of China 's Travel Agencies

  20. 我国旅游饭店品牌经营研究

    A Study on Brand Management of the Tourism Hotel

  21. 中小节能灯企业品牌经营战略

    Brand Management Stratagem of the Medium and Small Enterprise of Energy Saving Lamp

  22. 谈中国汽车产品的品牌经营策略

    Discussion on Brand Operation Strategy of China Automotive Products

  23. 企业形象识别设计对企业品牌经营的影响

    Impact of Corporate Identity Design on Corporate Brand Management

  24. 饭店品牌经营中的问题及对策

    Problems and Countermeasure on Hotel ′ s Brand Management

  25. 现代企业品牌经营及其评价研究

    Study on Brand Operation & Evaluation of Modern Enterprise

  26. 中外石油企业品牌经营的主要差距及对策

    Major Differences between Chinese and Foreign Oil Enterprises in Brand Operation and Policies

  27. 连锁超市;品牌经营;意义;现状;品牌策略。

    Chain supermarket ; Brand operation ; Significance ; Current situation ; Brand strategy .

  28. 对商业银行品牌经营的思考

    The Consideration of Commercial Banks ' Brand Management

  29. 在核心竞争力的理论指导下,长外提出了品牌经营战略。

    CFLS brings out the brand managing strategy .

  30. 雾灵山旅游的品牌经营现状并不乐观。

    The present condition of the brand management of Wuling Mountain wasn 't optimistic .