
  • 网络Brand Portfolio;brand mix
  1. 那么哪些公司已掌握了品牌组合策略的技巧呢?

    So which companies have mastered the art of brand portfolio strategy ?

  2. 战略联盟背景下中外企业品牌组合方式的态度评价研究

    The Evaluation of Brand Portfolio Attitude Research under the Context of Strategy Alliance between Chinese and Foreign Enterprise

  3. 咨询公司摩立特集团(monitorgroup)驻中国的合伙人唐仕德(torstenstocker)说,拥有品牌组合也使零售商在选择想要进驻的地区时拥有更大的灵活性,允许他们在改变消费者习惯方面进行尝试和学习。

    ' having a portfolio of brands also gives retailers more flexibility for locations they want to enter and allows them to experiment and learn about changing consumer behaviors , ' said Torsten stocker , a China-based partner for consultancy monitor group .

  4. 我们需要在这个方向上拓展我们的品牌组合。

    We need to grow our portfolio more in that direction .

  5. 品牌组合策划创奇效

    Combination of Famous Brands Creates Wonders

  6. 我们有一个观点,即我们能够作出积极的改变我们客户的品牌组合。

    We have a vision that we can make a positive difference to our customers'brand portfolio .

  7. 我们的主要的品牌组合中最高度的市场,我们为每一个认可。

    Our portfolio of premier brands is among the most highly recognized in each of the markets we serve .

  8. 第一部分主要讨论企业并购的不同类型及其与品牌组合策略之间的关系;

    Part one discusses the different types of the enterprise M & A and the connection to brand combination strategy ;

  9. 尽管通用公司市场减少,却一直说在这样多的品牌组合下有好处在里面。

    Despite its shrinking market share , GM has always argued that there is value in its broad brand portfolio .

  10. 创建一个品牌组合分子结构图的三个步骤是:第一步,确定应该或不应该包含哪些品牌。

    The first step in creating a brand portfolio molecule is to determine which brands should or should not be included .

  11. 品牌组合分子图涵盖了所有影响消费者购买决策方式的品牌,而不管公司是否拥有这些品牌。

    The brand portfolio molecule includes all the brands that factor into a consumer 's decision to buy , whether or not the company owns them .

  12. 这些不同档次的汽车品牌组合成了一架“成功阶梯”,客户随着自己人生地位的提高可以依次选购不同品牌的汽车,永远都不会离开通用汽车。

    Together they formed a'ladder of success , 'allowing customers to move up as their station in life improved , without having to leave the GM family .

  13. 正如投资者当时第一次开始根据投资组合的整体风险来分析投资一样,市场营销人士眼下也已开始根据品牌组合来学习怎样分析品牌。

    Just as investors for the first time started to analyse investments in terms of overall portfolio risk , so marketers are now learning how to analyse brands in portfolio terms .

  14. 其次,笔者对对象企业二级品牌组合策略进行了研究,对比发现华系企业品牌增长和更新速度快,通过向下延伸的方式提升品牌溢价。

    Secondly , the secondary brand combined strategy of the target companies is analyzed . The results reveal that the speed of Chinese companies ' brand growth and updating is faster . Meanwhile , they extend downward to enhance the brand premium .

  15. 在本文中,您已经对IBM跨品牌投资组合套装中的关键工具和产品有所了解,它们能使您的SOA系统得到成功执行。

    In this article you learned about key tools and products from the broad suite of IBM cross-brand portfolio to enable the successful execution of your own SOA system .

  16. 洗发水品牌营销组合策略对品牌联想的影响研究

    Analysis of the Influence of Shampoo Brand 's Marketing Mix Strategies on Brand Association

  17. 一个更普遍的观点的,创造一个互补品牌的组合,让组合内各品牌之间又保持着恰当程度的联系,这是个复杂的命题。

    The wider point is that creating a portfolio of complementary brands , with just the right degree of connection between them , is a complex proposition .

  18. 第四章对产品、价格、促销、渠道和品牌等营销组合内容实施全球化策略和本土化策略的条件进行了分析和研究。

    Chapter 4 Analyzes the conditions of products , price , promotion , place and brand etc in the condition of globalization and localizations .

  19. 最后,加大广告投入,形成强有力的品牌宣传媒介组合;建立企业营销危机公关预警系统。

    Then , the company must increase investment on advertising to form a strong advertising media mix , and establish a marketing crisis early warning system .

  20. 目前可以看出,塔塔允许捷豹和路虎保留了它们的英式风格,同时提供大量资本来革新两大品牌的车型组合。另外,塔塔还进行了柴油发动机等技术投资,并在市场营销方面不惜血本。

    What seems clear is that Tata has allowed Jaguar and Land Rover to maintain their British identity while providing prodigious capital to renew their model lineups , invest in new technology such as diesel engines and market aggressively to luxury shoppers .

  21. T品牌手机企业营销组合研究

    Study on the the Marketing Mix of T Cellphone Co. , Ltd

  22. 论企业品牌要素的多元组合与运行机制

    The Multivariate Combination and Operation Mechanism of Enterprise Article Brand Essential Factor

  23. 公司信息的纵向与横向溢出效应:公司品牌与产品品牌组合视角

    The Impacts of Corporate Message Portfolio : The Vertical and Horizontal Spillover Effects

  24. 多品牌战略与品牌组合

    The Multi brand Strategy and the Brand Portfolio

  25. 但是,我们也成功地开发了一个包括所有价格类别的其他品牌的广泛产品组合。

    But we have also successfully developed a broad portfolio of other brands across all price categories .

  26. 而品牌资产和营销组合之间的关系已经成为品牌资产研究的重要课题。

    The relationship between brand equity and marketing combination has become an important research subject of the brand equity .

  27. 另一方面北京品牌折扣店营销组合与市场定位之间关联度低,营销组合不能很好的与市场定位相吻合。

    On the other hand , the relationship between marking mixture and marketing localization of outlets in Beijing is low .

  28. 最后,分别从企业营销理念、营销管理、品牌建设和营销组合策略四个方面提出了本文的观点和其他企业在营销中需要改进的地方。

    Lastly , from the previous analysis and discussion four areas in Chapter Four , namely marketing concept , management , brand development and marketing strategy are covered to demonstrate the purpose of this report .

  29. 我的论文的一个重要组成部分,说明了大众的品牌战略及其在中国的品牌组合。

    A major part of my Thesis illustrates the branding strategy of VW and its brand portfolio within China .

  30. 农产品品牌建设要素和品牌流程有机组合形成了农产品品牌建设的二维模型。该模型系统地描述了农产品品牌建设纵、横两个维度的建设内容。

    Essential factors and procedures of agricultural products brand building combine organically to form a two-dimensional model of agricultural products brand building , which systematically specifies the vertical and horizontal building content of agricultural products brands . 5 .