
  • 网络local branding
  1. 麦格理证券(MacquarieSecurities)驻香港的行业研究团队主管詹尼特•路易斯表示:品牌本土化政策确实非常愚蠢,该政策所产生的效果只有一个,这就是蚕食国产品牌。

    The indigenous brand policy is really dumb because all it does is cannibalise the local Chinese brands , said Janet Lewis , head of Macquarie Securities industrials research team in Hong Kong .

  2. 跨国公司中国市场品牌本土化发展战略

    Multinational Company 's Brand Vulgar Development Strategy in China

  3. 品牌本土化发展战略是跨国企业中国市场本土化战略的重要组成部分其品牌本土化发展战略成为它们打开中国市场的有力武器。

    Successful multinational company complement vulgar strategy in product , brand , promotion , marketing , social relationship . The brand vulgar development strategy become their powerful weapon to open Chinese market .

  4. 而电视品牌本土化创新经营战略的开展,将有利于电视媒体在达到更好传播效果、塑造自身品牌形象的同时,实现最佳经济效益。

    Adopting the indigenous innovation strategy of television brand will be benefit to the better spread of the television medium , model the figure of the television medium itself and the realization of the best economical efficacy .

  5. 第一章为绪论,主要阐述的是论文的研究目的和意义,研究方法和研究内容,以及国内外关于在华外资银行品牌本土化的研究现状。

    First chapter is introduction , mainly elaborated the paper research purpose and significance , research methods and research content , as well as at home and abroad about the research status of foreign Banks in China the brand localization .

  6. 在加快进入国际市场开展跨国经营中,一个重要方面就是如何实施品牌本土化发展战略,以世界级质量和本土化品牌不断提高国际竞争力,赢得更加广阔的国际市场空间和忠诚的国外消费者。

    During speed up entering global market process , one of the important aspect is study how to implement brand vulgar development tactic , constantly improve international competitive force , bear off more expansive international market space and loyal overseas consumers by right of the world class quality and brand .

  7. 国际品牌的本土化策略&语言学观点的检视

    Strategies of Localizing the International Brands & On a Linguistic Viewpoint

  8. 在执行本土化战略的过程中,品牌的本土化营销起着基础性作用。

    In the implementation process of the localization strategy , the localization of brand plays a fundamental role .

  9. 进入中国市场的跨国饮料企业凭借其强大的资金实力、先进的管理经验,大规模并购国内企业,不仅急速扩大在中国的市场份额,还在大力实现品牌的本土化。

    Multinational beverage companies entering the Chinese market with its strong financial strength , advanced management experience , strong mergers and acquisitions of domestic competitors , not only rapidly expand the existing market share , but also achieve brand localization .

  10. 品牌关系质量本土化模型的建立与验证

    Brand Relationship Quality : The Establishment and Validation of an Indigenous Model in China

  11. 本文通过市场对本土设计的需求出发,详细阐述了企业品牌与产品本土化设计的关系;

    Based on the local markets demand for design , a detailed explanation makes of brand and product localization design ;

  12. 跨国经营:全球品牌战略与本土化管理&以摩托罗拉手机全球品牌和60家相关公司的实证资料为案例

    International Operation : Global Brand Strategy and Localization Management An Empirical Study of MOTO Global Brand of Mobile Phone and Sixty Global Companies Operating in Chinese Market

  13. 品牌个性维度的本土化研究品牌个性感知对购买意愿的影响机理研究

    The Study of Influencing Mechanism of Brand Personality Perception on Purchase Intension

  14. 品牌关系型态之本土化研究

    The Research on Brand Relationship Types in China

  15. 国外知名体育品牌在华实施本土化策略现状分析

    On Implementation of Localization Strategy in China for Some Foreign Companies with Well-known Sports Brands

  16. 广告同时需要研究强势品牌的文化与亚文化的关系,即强势品牌的本土化问题。

    Meanwhile , advertising requires research on the relationship between cultures of superior brands and sub-cultures .

  17. 最后,论文从品牌识别、物流配送、客户关系、品牌忠诚度和品牌本土化五个角度切入,提出了中国企业实施品牌全球化营销策略的实现途径。

    Finally , this paper cut-in from five points of brand identity , logistics distribution , brand customer relation , brand loyalty and homeland brand , puts forth the realization approaches for Chinese enterprises in bringing into effect their brand globalization marketing tactics .

  18. 第二章主要阐述的关于品牌的相关理论,包括品牌、品牌发展战略及体系的相关理论,基本确定本文的研究范围,构建跨国公司在华的品牌本土化发展战略体系。

    The second chapter mainly elaborates the related theory about brand , including the brand , brand development strategy and the related theory system , basic determine the research scope of this article , build multinational companies in China brand localization development strategy system .