
  • 网络brand aging;brand outdated
  1. 在竞争激烈的现代国际市场环境中,品牌老化问题越来越受到关注。

    In the intense international marketing , more and more attention is paid to the brand outdated issue which essential is the decreasing of brand equity .

  2. 我国保健品的品牌老化及其应对策略

    Our Country 's Healthy Product Brand Aging and its Countermeasure

  3. 国内保健品企业该如何应对品牌老化问题是文章关注的论点。

    This paper concerns how to prevent brand aging on health goods enterprises in our country .

  4. 创新是走出品牌老化,使品牌生命不断得以延长的唯一途径。

    Creativity is the only way to jump out of brand aging and to extend the brand life .

  5. 品牌老化的本质在于其品牌资产的下降,品牌老化也是品牌长期管理中一个不容忽视的问题,品牌激活是解决这一问题、增加品牌资产的主要路径。

    Brand aging is a problem which can not be neglected in its long term management and brand revitalization is the main approach to solving the problem and increasing the brand property .

  6. 因此,从某种意义来讲,再设计比设计更为重要,企业标志再设计的研究有助于企业最大限度地规避品牌老化,保持品牌的新鲜与活力,促使企业不断与时俱进,实现持续发展。

    Therefore , in some sense , " re-design " is more important than the " design ", the designing of corporate logo can helps companies maximized avoid the brand aging process , keep freshness and vitality , encourage enterprises to keep up with the times and achieve sustainable development .

  7. 动态的市场不存在一个恒久不变的品牌,品牌老化趋势是每一个企业迟早要应对的严峻挑战。

    The dynamic market doesn 't exist an ever-stand brand , the trend of brand 's aging is always the fierce challenge for every enterprises .

  8. 在此基础上,解析国内外十大服装品牌活化案例,为上海商业服装老字号品牌老化原因、品牌活化驱动力研究奠定基础。

    On this basis , analysis the domestic and foreign apparel brand revitalization cases in order to offer reference . Part ⅱ: Study on the actuality of Shanghai commercial fashion historical brands .

  9. 进而深入探寻品牌重塑的原因,结合实证分析阐述了品牌重塑的五大动因,即品牌老化、品牌危机、定位失误、消费者需求变化和战略转变等。

    Then thoroughly probing the causes for rebranding , the thesis states the principal causes namely brand ageing , brand crisis , position failure , demands variety and strategic transformation with the diagnosis analysis .

  10. 品牌与产品关系密切,那么品牌的发展是否也会受到生命周期的约束呢?是否所有的品牌最后都难逃老化直至走向衰落的厄运?这些问题成为品牌经营者和品牌管理者关心的焦点。

    Whether all the brands can not escape the doom of aging until move toward the decline ? These questions become the focal point which the brand operator and the brand managers cared .