
  1. 雇主品牌价值量化评估方法的研究有助于建立中国企业的雇主品牌价值。

    Employer brand equity value of quantitative evaluation method of exploration will help build brand value of Chinese enterprises list of employers .

  2. 由于融资、兼并、合资等一系列活动的需要,使有关品牌价值量化的研究受到理论与实际工作者的广泛关注。

    Because of the demand of a series of activity , such as , financing , annexing , joint venture etc , the research on brand equity has been paid attention to by the theories and practice workers .

  3. 定量分析的思路是:通过问卷调查,测量与计算品牌价值认知系数,量化品牌目标;

    The qualitative analysis is : by questionnaire investigation , measure and calculate " brand value cognition coefficient " to make a quantitative brand target ;