
  • 网络Brand reputation;Brand Public Praise
  1. 比恩菲特说:三星在谈判桌上拥有三大优势:第一,三星的品牌口碑;

    Bienfait said the company comes to the negotiating table with three assets : first , the Samsung brand reputation ;

  2. 凭籍着优秀的品牌口碑和产品质量,德倍氏的产品已经畅销中国市场,并以中国为中心服务于亚太区的消费者。

    De Best 's product is much in demand on the China market depends on excellent brand reputation and high product quality .

  3. 另外,本文通过对新能源汽车潜在购买者的调查,得出四个购车影响因子:购买成本、汽车品质、售后保障、品牌口碑。

    In addition , the paper has invested the potential buyers to summary the four influence factors on purchase behavior . They are cost , quality , protection , reputation .

  4. 有的时候,它们的设计无法抓住人们的好奇心,不仅不会提升品牌口碑,反而会产生截然相反的效果,对品牌形象造成损害。

    They are dismissed as automotive curiosities that failed to capture public imagination , while creating an effect exactly opposite to the one they were designed for : damaging brands rather than lifting them .

  5. 比恩菲特说:三星在谈判桌上拥有三大优势:第一,三星的品牌口碑;第二,跨平台的合作方式;第三,包圆式解决方案的承诺&不需要客户签署额外的合同。

    Bienfait said the company comes to the negotiating table with three assets : first , the Samsung brand reputation ; second , a cross-platform approach ; and third , a promise to be entirely turnkey & no extra contracts necessary .

  6. 更多“群”对于品牌网络口碑的意义,请点击这里阅读全文。

    For more about what it means to IWOM for brands , here for the whole article .

  7. 但如果每次只是买件衬衫,而不去尝试这个品牌的口碑产品,那就有点傻傻滴了。

    It 's just kinda cheesy if you only buy the T-shirt each time , instead of trying out the things that make the brand famous .

  8. 品牌网络口碑传播工具的运用,不仅是企业适应网络传播生态环境的有效举措,也是满足消费者自我传播的高明之举。

    Word-of-mouth brand communications tool for network use , not only are enterprises to adapt to network dissemination of ecological environment of effective initiatives , but also meet consumer self-spread wise move .

  9. 40岁的AllanSong是北京一家跨国公司的总经理,他喜欢沃尔沃XC60SUV以及该品牌的安全口碑。

    A 40-year-old general manager at a multinational company in Beijing , Mr. Song likes the Volvo XC60 sport-utility vehicle and the brand 's reputation for safety .

  10. 不仅如此研究还发现品牌信任在口碑负面强度对品牌忠诚的影响中起到部分中介的作用,品牌信任接收者-网站关系、来源可信性对品牌忠诚的影响中起到完全中介的作用。

    This study also found that brand trust plays a mediating role in the influence that the strength of negative word-of-mouth , the relation between the receiver and the site , the credibility of the source has on brand loyalty .

  11. 同时通过分析社交媒体数据,品牌的营销团队还可以了解围绕这个品牌的口碑,为以后寻找新的宣传点。

    By analyzing social media chatter , a marketing team could examine word sentiment around their brand and look for new potential influences for future campaigns .

  12. 一方面,消费者借助网络的力量,通过口碑传播的方式,对品牌表现出越来越深刻的影响力。另一方面,营销者也开始借助网络口碑,通过各种形式开展对产品及品牌的口碑塑造。

    On one hand , consumers , with the help of Internet , have exerted more profound influence on product brand through word of mouth communication .

  13. 这也显示了创造体验来使人们了解并热爱你的品牌的能量,他们转而会告诉每个人他们独特的体验,从而使品牌美誉通过口碑传播来得以实现。

    And it also shows the power or creating experiences for people to get to know and love your brand , who will in turn tell everyone about thier unique involvement and build a brands reputation through positive word-of-mouth . Well done on all fronts !