
  • 网络brand safety
  1. 品牌安全基本内容研究

    Research on the Basic Contents of Brand Safety

  2. 品牌安全是指一个品牌给消费者所带来的具有高强度、高赞誉度和高独特性的品牌联想和品牌意识,其基本内容包括品牌在时间上的安全和品牌在空间上的安全。

    The brand safety is that a brand can bring consumer highly intensive , highly admirable and highly special brand association and brand consciousness . Its basic contents conclude the brand safety on time and the brand safety on space .

  3. 影响女性购买化妆品的消费心理与行为的六个因素项目,依次为性价比、品牌安全、时尚与美感、指导意见、功能、销售服务。

    Affect women buy cosmetics consumer psychology and behavior of the six factors successively were price , brand security , fashion and beauty , guidance , function , marketing services .

  4. 40岁的AllanSong是北京一家跨国公司的总经理,他喜欢沃尔沃XC60SUV以及该品牌的安全口碑。

    A 40-year-old general manager at a multinational company in Beijing , Mr. Song likes the Volvo XC60 sport-utility vehicle and the brand 's reputation for safety .

  5. LotusLive管理员可以通过许可证、品牌和安全密钥创建和维护组织信息。

    LotusLive administrators create and maintain organizational information in terms of licenses allowed , branding , and security keys creation , for example .

  6. 根据麦卡锡的4P理论,可以把营销策略安全界定为品牌策略安全、产品策略安全、价格策略安全、渠道策略安全和促销策略安全五大部分。

    Based on the McCarthy 's Marketing theory of Four " P " s , the marketing tactics security is divided into brand tactics security , products tactics security , price tactics security , channel tactics security and promotion tactics security .

  7. 品牌延伸安全研究

    Study of Brand Extensions Safety

  8. 公路施工企业对工程实行项目化管理,对项目存在营业收入、利润品牌、安全、人才等多方面的期望,其中对利润的期望尤其重要。

    The highway construction enterprises have carried out the project-oriented management and these enterprises have many expectations on projects which mainly are turnover , profit , brand , safety , personnel training and the expectation on profit is especially important .

  9. 其中品牌策略安全包括品牌生命周期策略安全,品牌延伸策略安全,品牌扩张策略安全,品牌意识策略安全,品牌形象策略安全;

    Brand tactics security includes the security of a brand 's lifecycle tactics , the security of a brand 's prolongation tactics , the security of a brand 's extension tactics , the security of the conception of a brand tactics , the security of a brand 's image tactics .

  10. 营造诚信环境打造诚信品牌&食品安全信用体系建设宣传活动在京举行

    Building Good Faith Environment , Making Good Faith Brand

  11. 品牌防伪,安全管理。

    Brand anti-counterfeit , security management .

  12. 因此可见,用户在使用网上银行时更加注重网上银行的可用性、品牌效应和安全性。

    Therefore we can say users are pay more attention to the availabity 、 brand effect and safety of online banking .

  13. 消费者偏好:医疗服务、医疗产品、药品品牌、药品安全。

    In the customer prejudiced , medical treatment service , medical treatment product , medicine brand and medicine safety are notability influence .

  14. 高端的沃尔沃品牌及其汽车安全技术会大大提升吉利的形象。吉利的产品一直被认为质量低劣。

    The upscale Volvo brand and its car-safety technology would jumpstart an image makeover for Geely , whose products have a reputation for poor quality .

  15. 经过十余年的积累,将爱普品牌专业、安全、稳定的形象深植在我们的客户心中。

    Through over ten years of efforts , we have succeeded in rooting AIPU 's brand image of being professional , safe and reliable among our clients .

  16. 对英国而言,关键是树立国家品牌,打造安全而令人激动的学习目的地,提供丰富多彩的人生阅历和更加美好的职业前景。

    It is crucial for the UK to build a national brand as a safe and exciting place to study , offering a rich life experience and enhanced career prospects .

  17. 归吉利所有后,沃尔沃强调该品牌长期以来在安全和质量方面享有的盛誉,以及它独特的瑞典造型。

    Under Geely , Volvo has emphasized the brand 's long reputation for safety and quality and its distinctive Swedish styling .

  18. 他们买的不仅是品牌,也是品牌的投资安全性,这样的客户才是我们的市场。

    They are buying not only the cachet but also the investment security of a brand and that customer is our market .

  19. 他们被中国乳品业预计每年10%的增长速度吸引,而且中国消费者愿意多花钱来购买外国品牌,鉴于恐惧中国品牌曾经的安全问题。

    They are lured by projections of 10 percent annual growth for the sector and by Chinese consumers ' willingness to pay a premium for foreign brands as they remain wary of local brands ' safety records .

  20. 在蚌埠市批发市场经商的王芳(音译)表示,她过去会进大量本地的果冻产品,但如今消费者希望购买知名度更高的品牌,因为他们认为这些品牌会更加安全。

    Wang Fang , who runs a business at a Bengbu wholesale market , says she used to stock a lot of local jelly products , but consumers now want more established brands , which they think are safer .

  21. 美国消费品集团宝洁(Procter&Gamble)将在中国重新销售SK-II品牌化妆品。监管机构此前表示,使用该品牌产品无安全问题。SK-II品牌化妆品暂停销售已有一个月。

    Procter & Gamble , the US consumer products group , will resume selling its SK-II brand of cosmetics in China after regulators said the products were safe for use following a month-long suspension .

  22. 最后,从宏观、中观和微观三个层面提出完善农产品品牌危机预警系统的建议,为我国农产品品牌安全和持久的生存与繁荣提供保障。

    Finally , the thesis will propose the advices to complete the early warning system for agricultural product brand crisis , which will ensure the security , sustainable survival and prosperity of our national agricultural product brand .

  23. 第三,在品牌预警管理过程中,根据品牌危机影响因素,设计了一套房地产品牌安全性指标,运用层次分析法,构建了品牌预警模型。

    The third , during the management of brand alarm , this paper designs a series of security index of real estate brand according to influencing factors of brand crisis , and establishes the model of brand alarm with AHP .