
  • 网络Brand affinity
  1. 定制的好处应该是类似的:为了提高利润率、客户满意度和长期的品牌亲和力,获得更高的员工稳定性、满意度和忠诚度。

    The benefits ought to be similar . For increased profit margins , customer satisfaction and long-term brand affinity , read greater employee retention , satisfaction and loyalty .

  2. 最制造商来说,最好的事情莫过于可以在消费者中建立品牌的亲和力,而Android却是居于幕后而非前台。

    " The great thing for the manufacturers is they can create that brand affinity with the consumer on the back of Android , instead of having Android be front and center ," Castonguay said .

  3. 迪士尼公司认为自己和同行的比较优势在于其品牌的亲和力,尤其是要归功于公司旗下的主题公园。

    Because of its theme parks in particular , brand affinity is an area where Disney thinks it holds a clear advantage over its peers .

  4. 打开情感内核,凝聚品牌个性的亲和力;

    It needs to open the kernel of sensibilities , and figure brand personalities'appetency .

  5. 而高校的体育赛事刚刚走入市场,企业与高校体育结合,利用高校体育赛事的影响力使其产品或品牌更具亲和力,从而达到巩固现有消费者和最大限度开发潜在年轻消费者的目的;

    But the sport games in universities just entered the market , the business enterprise was combinative with university sport , making use of the influence of the universities sport games to make its product or brands more influenced , to develop the latent and young consumer ;