
  1. 和平共处原则具有强大生命力

    The principles of peaceful coexistence have a potentially wide application

  2. 是对和平共处原则的灵活运用和发展;

    It is a flexible application and development of the principle of peaceful coexistence ;

  3. 第三,“一国两制”构想是对和平共处原则的创造和运用发展。

    Third , the " one country , two systems " concept is the creation of the principle of peaceful coexistence and application development .

  4. 国家作为一类抽象的、独立的网络道德主体,在从事网络信息活动时,应遵循下列伦理原则:意识形态主导原则,和平共处原则,泽被全民原则。

    As an abstract and independent subject of network ethics , the state should participate in network information activities in accordance with the following ethical principles : ideologically leading , peacefully coexisting and universally benefiting .

  5. 我们遵循和平共处的原则。

    We follow the principle of peaceful coexistence .

  6. 我们真诚地希望世界各国都能坚持和平共处的原则。

    We earnestly hope that all countries will adhere to the principles of peaceful coexistence .

  7. 我们提倡和平共处的原则,这项原则目前在世界上已越来越得人心了。

    We call for the principle of peaceful coexistence which is winning more and more support by allover the world .

  8. 所以,和平共处的原则不仅在处理国际关系问题上,而且在一个国家处理自己内政问题上,也是一个好办法。

    So the principles of peaceful coexistence provide a good solution not only to international issues , but to domestic problems as well .

  9. 对于和平共处五项原则,我国一贯是恪守不渝的。

    Our country has always adhered faithfully to the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence .

  10. 由于thematter与see之间为被动关系,故see要用过去分词seen。5.中国愿在和平共处五项原则的基础上与所有的国家建立和发展友好的关系。

    China is ready to develop friendly relations with all countries on the Basis of the Five Principles of Peaceful coexistence .

  11. 和平共处五项原则与亚洲安全

    The Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence and the Security of Asia

  12. 和平共处五项原则:解决国际争端的基本准则

    Five principles of peaceful CO-EXISTENCE-A fundamental norm to mediate international dispute

  13. 我们应当用和平共处五项原则作为指导国际关系的准则。

    We should take them as norms for international relations .

  14. 和平共处五项原则的旺盛生命力

    The Great Vitality of the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence

  15. 第四,丰富和发展了和平共处五项原则。

    Fourthly , it enriches and develops the five principles of peaceful coexistence .

  16. 和平共处五项原则的提出及发展状况

    On the process of the proposal and development of the peaceful coexistence principles

  17. 坚持和平共处五项原则是建构国际新秩序的政治基础;

    Adhering to the Five Principles of Peaceful Co-existence is the political basis ;

  18. 论和平共处五项原则与和谐社会的构建

    On the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence and Construction of a Harmonious Society

  19. 论中印缅孟地区经济合作的发展与和平共处五项原则

    On the Development of CIMB-Regional Economic Cooperation and the Five Principles of Peaceful Co-existence

  20. 中国在世界上率先提出和平共处五项原则。

    China was the first country to propose the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence .

  21. 和平共处五项原则和中美关系

    Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence and Sino-US Relations

  22. 我们处理同世界上任何国家的关系都是按照和平共处五项原则进行的。

    That 's how we handle our relations with any other country around the world .

  23. 当代国际关系的基本准则&纪念和平共处五项原则提出40周年

    Basic Norms of Contemporary International Relations

  24. 以和平共处五项原则为准则建立国际新秩序。

    A new international order should be established with the five principles of peaceful coexistence as norms .

  25. 和平共处五项原则:

    Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence

  26. 处理国与国之间的关系,和平共处五项原则是最好的方式。

    The Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence provide the best way to handle the relations between nations .

  27. 在和平共处五项原则的基础上,同各国建立和发展关系

    Establish and develop our relations with other countries on the basis of the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence

  28. 按和平共处五项原则办事,在原则立场上把握住。

    We should act in accordance with the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence and never deviate from them .

  29. 1965年奈温访问中国,并重申了1961年条约和和平共处五项原则。

    1965 & Gen Ne Win visits China and reaffirms the1961 treaty and five principles of peaceful coexistence .

  30. 我正在读《中国日报》上的一篇社论,里面提到了和平共处五项原则。

    I am reading a newspaper editorial of China Daily , which mention the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence .