
  • 网络Peace Maker;The Peacemaker
  1. 历史所能颁赐的最大荣耀,就是和平缔造者这个头衔。

    The greatest honor history can bestow is the title of peacemaker .

  2. 正是课堂上对每个人的关心、尊敬和鼓励促使孩子们向成为和平缔造者迈出前进的一步。

    It is in the classroom that caring and respect for each person empowers children to take a step forward toward becoming peacemaker .

  3. 要知道,所有的和平缔造者都是真诚、谦逊之人。

    Great peacemakers are all people of integrity , of honesty , but humility .

  4. 土耳其正在中东地区树立起政治调停人与和平缔造者的形象。

    Turkey is establishing itself as a power-broker and a peace-maker in the Middle East .

  5. 孩子们在学会解决纷争之后做起了和平缔造者。

    The children , after learning to resolve conflicts , took on the role o peacemakers .

  6. 1992年成立的“年轻的和平缔造者俱乐部”设立了一个为教师提供教学资源和发动关爱运动的信息的网站。

    The Young Peacemakers Club , started in 1992 , provides a Website with resource for teachers and information on starting a Kindness Campaign .

  7. 在我看到的这个世界上,被称之为伟大的这一荣誉不是授予世界上的武士,而是授予全世界的和平缔造者。

    I see a world where the honor of being called great is bestowed not on the world 's warriors but on the world 's peacemakers .

  8. 在班级里创建和平缔造者俱乐部是值得称颂的,它会扩散到其他班级,最终将影响整个学校的文化氛围。

    Starting a Peacemakers ' Club is a praiseworthy venture for a class and one that could spread to other classrooms and ideally affect the culture of the entire school .

  9. 在哥伦比亚,作为和平缔造者的孩子们认真研究人权和贫穷问题,最后在首都波哥达与其他五所学校成立了“和平学校”。

    Groups of children acting as peacemakers studied human rights and poverty issues in Colombia , eventually forming a group with five other schools in Bogota known as The Schools of Peace .

  10. 我是上帝宇宙的一部分,我欣赏差异,我不支持偏见,我是和平缔造者,我关心地球和所有生物。

    I am a part of God 's universe . I appreciate differences . I do not support prejudice . I am a peacemaker . I care for the earth and all living things .

  11. 冲突与暴力通常被人们看作是错误和破坏性的象征,宫崎骏作品里的英雄经常是和平的缔造者。

    Conflict and violence are usually seen as misguided and destructive , and Miyazaki 's heroes are often peacemakers .