
  1. PTEN、p53在子宫内膜浆液性癌和宫内膜样癌中的表达及临床病理意义

    Expression and significance of PTEN and p53 in uterine serous carcinoma and endometrioid carcinoma

  2. PAS、Vimentin免疫标记在鉴别宫颈子宫内膜样腺癌和宫体子宫内膜腺癌方面有意义。

    PAS staining and vimentin immunohistochemistry labelling are significant in differential diagnosis between the adenocarcinoma in the endocervix and endometria .

  3. 方法:选择133例临床诊断不孕症的患者,先后行HSG和宫腹腔镜联合检查,对其结果进行回顾性分析。

    Methods One hundred thirty three female infertile patients by clinical diagnosis were given HSG and hysteroscopy-laparoscopy , and the results were retrospectively analyzed .

  4. 第二产程胎先露下降至棘下3cm时前壁和宫底部肌层较活跃期明显增厚(P<0.01)。

    There was significant thickening of the anterior and fundal myometrium during the second stage of labor after the fetal head descended to + 3 station by digital examination ( P < 0.01 ) .

  5. 宫颈内和宫腔内人工授精的成功率无差异(P>0.05)。

    5 ) Intrauterine insemination displayed the same PR with intracervical insemination ( P > 0.05 ) .

  6. 对输卵管间质部和宫角妊娠,其中12例试行保守手术而保留生育功能。

    12 cases of interstitial pregnancy and deformity uterogestation try conservative operation treat save function of fallopian tube .

  7. 居家道士和宫观道士,分别来源于方仙道中的海外仙人派和山岳神人派。

    Home Taoist and temple Taoist of Tao came of immortal overseas and mountain God-man of doctrine Fangxian respectively .

  8. 炎症模型实验采取单侧子宫插管法制造炎症模型,设模型对照绷口模型宫血停组,双侧宫分别称重以计算子宫的肿胀率和宫血停对炎症的抑制率;

    The inflammation models were made by intubation of unilateral uterus , then uterus weighed to calculate the swell and inhibition rate .

  9. 旋律一般为高调式和宫调式,其歌词多为赞美生活,祈祷幸福等内容。

    The dance usually features Gao Qiang and Gong Diao tunes , with its common themes being praise of life and wish for happiness .

  10. 关键行星所在的星座和宫位中存在关于前世生命的死亡原因的线索。

    The sign and house placement of the key planet hold clues to the cause of death at the close of the previous life .

  11. 因此,组合盘中的行星和宫位能够告诉我们关系随着时间不同的发展阶段。

    As such , the conditions surrounding the planets and houses in the composite chart can show us different stages of development of the relationship over time .

  12. 结果子宫输卵管造影和宫腹腔镜联合检查,直视下直接寻找导致不孕的原因,准确性高,有利于宫腹腔内病变的治疗,术后妊娠率高。

    Results The methods of HSG combined with hysteroscopy laparoscopy can comprehend the internal genital totally and look steadily at the cause of infertile accurately and profit the pregnancy .

  13. 术前诊断宫内感染168例,经胎盘病理和宫腔培养确诊83例,术前、后诊断一致率43%。

    168 cases were diagnosed as intrauterine infection pre-operative , through placenta pathology and uterine cavity swab bacterial culture , 83 cases were made a definite diagnosis , the coincidence rate was 43 % .

  14. 中村和宫下芳名教授如今称这一理念为“增强味觉”,他们已经改善了技术,使电荷能通过餐叉和筷子传导入食物中去。

    Nakamura , along with professor Homei Miyashita , now call the idea ' Augmented Gustation ' and have refined the technology to be able to transfer an electric charge to food through forks and chopsticks .

  15. 徒诗可以分为侍宴、应制题材和宫体两大类,这里的宫体又包含了艳情、咏物、山水风景三种题材。

    The poem can be divided into two main category : Shiyan subject and Palace poem , and Palace poem here ' includes three kinds of subjects : Gaudy feeling , Chant things , Mountains anf rivers scenery .

  16. 〔结果〕60例外阴转移性癌,主要继发于宫颈癌和宫体癌,3年、5年生存率分别为3015%和2010%。

    〔 Results 〕 60 patients with metastatic carcinoma of vulva , which were mainly secondary to cervical cancer or endometrial carcinoma , were treated and followed up . The 3-year and 5-year survival rates were 30.15 % and 20.10 % .

  17. 我生于室女宫和天秤宫会切的时辰。

    I was born on the cusp between Virgo and Libra .

  18. 包括在导游的带领下参观温莎城堡和汉普顿宫——汉普顿宫是亨利八世最喜欢的宫殿。

    Includes a guided tour of Windsor and Hampton Court , Henry Ⅷ 's favourite palace .

  19. 行程C-游览温莎城堡和汉普顿宫,包含汉普顿宫的门票——3月前34英镑,3月后37英镑。

    Tour C-Windsor Castle & Hampton Court including entrance fees to Hampton Court Palace - £ 34 until March and £ 37 thereafter .

  20. 目前在联系NBC和肯辛顿宫对此事作出回应。

    Both NBC and Kensington Palace have been approached for a comment .

  21. 这座步行桥连接法兰西学会(InstitutdeFrance)和卢浮宫(PalaisduLouvre)中央广场。

    The pedestrian bridge connects the Institut de France and the central square of the Palais du Louvre .

  22. 英国皇室网站上周五表示,英国皇室已经在Twitter上开设了一个“皇家Twitter”账户,将由英国白金汉宫和克拉伦斯宫(ClarenceHouse)的网络团队负责使用。

    The British monarchy has started what it called a " Royal Twitter " account that will be run by the web teams at royal residences Buckingham Palace and Clarence House , according to its website .

  23. 方法:以黄体酮和缩宫素作对照,用LMS二道生理记录仪和JH-2肌张力传感器观察以益气化瘀法的98-B对大鼠子宫平滑肌收缩活动的影响。

    Methods : Contrasted with pregnendione and oxytocin , it was observed that the effect of 98-B with the principle of benefiting Qi and dissipating blood on the contraction of uterus smooth muscle , in rats by LMS physiological recorder and JH-2 muscle strain sensor .

  24. 布达拉宫由白宫和红宫两种建筑。

    Budala Palace was divided in to two kind of building .

  25. 两组自然分娩率和剖宫产率相似,无显著差异。

    Natural delivery rates and cesarean rates in two groups are similar .

  26. 秦始皇自己的宫殿是所有宫殿中最宏伟、最奢侈的。它有成千上万个房间和单宫别院。

    The emperor 's own palace was the largest and richest of all .

  27. 黄色族倾向于理智,就像处女宫和天秤宫的太阳。

    Yellow folk tend to be mental such as Virgo and Libra sun signs .

  28. 该卫星提供了在白宫和克里姆林宫之间进行电视通讯联系的渠道。

    The satellite provide a video link between the white house and the kremlin .

  29. 兰斯的圣母大教堂、前圣雷米修道院和塔乌宫

    Cathedral of Notre-Dame , former Abbey of Saint-Remi and Palace of Tau in Reims

  30. 目的:研究万胜化风丹和安宫牛黄丸对脑缺血再灌注损伤大鼠的防治作用。

    Objective : To study the effects of Wan-Sheng-Hua-Feng-Dan on cerebral ischemia in rats .