
  • 网络Respiratory paralysis
  1. 利多卡因可完全消除辣椒素引起的呼吸麻痹和神经刺激性疼痛,对痛觉超敏亦具有一定的抑制作用。

    Lidocaine could completely eliminate respiratory paralysis and nerve-stimulating pain , and reduce allodynia to some extent .

  2. 临床表现主要以肌萎缩、肌无力等上下运动神经元损伤症状为主,常伴有言语不清、肢体活动不利、吞咽功能障碍甚至呼吸麻痹。

    The main clinical manifestations to muscle atrophy , weakness of upper and lower motor neuron injury symptoms , often accompanied by slurred speech , physical activity , swallowing dysfunction even adverse respiratory paralysis .

  3. 由此可见,细辛可以导致呼吸麻痹而死。

    Prove Asarum can result in breathing the paralysis and death .

  4. 中枢性呼吸麻痹患者通气活动恢复的预测

    Predicting the recovery of ventilatory activity in central respiratory paralysis

  5. 但细辛为什么能导致呼吸麻痹,其作用机制是什么?

    But why can Asarum result in breathing the paralysis , what is its function mechanism ?

  6. 不可用大剂量。大剂量给药后,实验动物会出现镇静、厥、迷,呼吸麻痹而死亡。

    Do not use large amount . Large amount of herb causes lab animals into sedative state , spasm , coma , respiratory arrest , and death .

  7. 结论:早期气管切开治疗高位颈髓损伤合并呼衰,可充分解决排痰、呼吸麻痹、感染等问题,提高生存率。

    Conclusion : Applying tracheotomy to upper cervical injury patients in the early phase can resolve sputum , respiratory failure and contraction , and improves the survival rate .

  8. 结论HI-6是一种较好的抗敌敌畏所致外周呼吸肌麻痹药物;其它3种药物也有一定的直接生理对抗作用。

    Conclusion HI 6 is an effective antidote to DDVP induced phrenic paralysis , the other three drugs also have some direct physiological antagonism .

  9. 通过观察灌流前后血中有机磷含量的变化、存活率、IMS病程及呼吸肌麻痹发生率4项指标来判断血液灌流的临床疗效。

    The following parameters were observed : changes of OP blood concentration after hemoperfusion , survival rate , clinical course , incidence of paralysis of respiratory muscles .

  10. 方法:对某院280例急性GBS患者中60例呼吸肌麻痹患者的综合治疗方法进行回顾性分析。

    Methods We analyse and summarize retrospectively the combined therapy we have obtained from treating 60 patients of acute GBS with respiratory muscular paralysis from 280 GBS patients .

  11. 发生呼吸肌麻痹后立即机械通气,通气时间1~25d。

    When respiratory muscle paralysis happens , mechanical aeration is needed immediately . Aeration time is from 1 to 25 days .

  12. 结论:及时气管切开,保持呼吸道通畅,积极防治呼吸道感染是抢救急性GBS呼吸肌麻痹成功的关键。

    Conclusions It is key point to rescue the patients of acute GBS with respiratory muscular paralysis by incision of trachea promptly , prevention and cure of respiratory infection actively and early employment of immunoglobulin and plasma .

  13. 目的研究不同农药中毒治疗中因阿托品中毒所致的呼吸肌麻痹(RMP)发生率,探讨阿托品治疗与RMP的关系,并对阿托品中毒的原因进行分析。

    Objective To investigate the incidence of respiratory muscle paralysis ( RMP ) induced by atropine overdosage during the treatment of the pesticide poisoning and explore the relationship between atropine overdosage and RMP , analyse the cause of the poisoning .

  14. 格林&巴利综合征呼吸肌麻痹病例报告

    A Report of Guillain-barre Syndrom with Paralysis of Respiratory Muscle

  15. 急性有机磷农药中毒导致呼吸肌麻痹患者的护理体会

    Experience on nursing a respiratory myoparalysis patient caused by acute organophosphate pesticide poisoning

  16. Ⅰ度呼吸肌麻痹治疗组3例:痊愈1例,好转2例;

    Three cases of therapy group : cured 1 case , improved 2 cases ;

  17. 1例出现呼吸肌麻痹。

    One patient appeared breath muscle paralysis .

  18. 国内报道肉毒中毒导致呼吸肌麻痹的病例较少。

    The domestic report botulism causes to breathe the myoparalysis case of illness to be less .

  19. 结果26例患者并呼吸肌麻痹7例;

    Results In all these 26 cases , subsequent respiratory muscle paralysis were found in 7 cases ;

  20. 严重心律失常和呼吸肌麻痹是引起患者死亡的两个主要原因。

    Severe cardiac arrhythmias and respiratory muscle paralysis were the main causes of death in this series .

  21. 软胯及咽麻痹者给予鼻饲,呼吸肌麻痹可用人工呼吸器。

    The soft hip and the pharyngoparalysis gives the nasal feeding , breathes the myoparalysis available barospirator .

  22. 临床除3例死于呼吸肌麻痹,其余预后均较好。

    The prognosis of the patients in this study is good expect 3 patients died from respiratory paralysis .

  23. 由于经气道给入,使临床上早期呼吸肌麻痹能及时缓解。

    Supplying kalium by airway could alleviate breathing paralysis in time and there were no side effects after use .

  24. 临床主要表现为四肢对称性迟缓性瘫痪,部分病人有颅神经损害和感觉障碍,严重者合并呼吸肌麻痹。

    The main clinical situation is all extremital symmetrical flaccid paralysis . A part of patients damaged cranial nerve .

  25. 结果患者球麻痹、呼吸肌麻痹、四肢肌力在治疗后明显缓解,这二类患者的临床缓解率分别为72.7%和77.8%;

    Results Respiratory muscle weakness - Bulbar paralysis and muscle strength was improved-the recovery rate of patients with GBS and MS was 72.7 % and 77.8 % - respectively .

  26. 结果21例中19例患者症状如四肢对称弛缓性瘫痪、呼吸肌麻痹、球麻痹等均得到恢复,2例因严重肺部感染死亡。

    Results Except that 2 patients died of pulmonary infection , the rest 19 patients all made a recovery on their symptoms such as symmetrical flaccid paralysis , respiratory failure and bulbar paralysis .

  27. 呼吸困难、麻痹、流口水和大出血也是中毒常见的症状。

    Difficulty breathing , paralysis , drooling and massive hemorrhaging are also common symptoms .

  28. 在中国,柿果和柿叶传统上被用于医疗方面,如咳嗽、过度紧张、呼吸困难、麻痹、冻疮、烧伤及出血,也有抗氧化和清除自由基效应的报道。

    In China , its fruits and leaves were traditionally used for many medicinal purposes such as coughs , hypertension , dyspnoea , paralysis , frostbite , burns and bleeding , Persimmon fruits were also reported to antioxidant activity and free radical scavenging effects .

  29. 父亲一辈子呼吸困难,小儿麻痹症使他过早离开我们。

    My Dad had difficulty breathing his whole life , and the Polio are what took him from us too soon .