
zhōu cháo
  • Zhou Dynasty
  1. 几天后,又有人端着一只破碗,对秦士夸耀说:“先生,席子和手杖都不是什么古董,而这只破碗,倒真正是夏梁时造的,比周朝更古远了。”

    A few days later , another man with a broken bowl boasted to the Qin scholar : " Sir , neither the straw mat nor the walking stick is a genuine antique , whereas this bowl was actually made in the time of King lie of the Xia Dynasty , which is more remote than the Zhou Dynasty . "

  2. 这些战事加强了周朝的主动权。

    These conflicts intensified with the Zhou side enjoying the initiative .

  3. 周朝宋国衰弱原因浅析

    On the Declining Cause of State Song in Zhou Dynasty

  4. 商朝发明了曲和蘖。周朝的酿酒技术已达相当水平。

    In Zhou Dynasty , the brewing technology reached a certain level .

  5. 周朝采纳了商朝许多的生活方式。

    The Zhou adopted much of the Shang lifestyle .

  6. 投射物从四周朝他猛掷过来。

    Missiles were hurled at him from all sides .

  7. 周朝的农业更加集中。

    Agriculture in Zhou Dynasty was more intensive .

  8. 周朝的君主维持了超过两个世纪对其诸侯国的统治。

    The Zhou kings maintained control over their vassals for more than two centuries .

  9. 周朝标志着中国封建社会历史的开端。

    The Zhou dynasty marks the beginning of the feudal phase of Chinese history .

  10. 论节奏乐器在周朝祭祀活动中的作用

    About Percussion Instrument in the Zhou-dynasty Sacrifice

  11. 到了周朝,人文精神觉醒,诗言志蕴涵了更多的人文关怀。

    In the Zhou Dynasty , it revealed more humanistic spirit when Humanism was awakened .

  12. 伯夷,叔齐二人为了不食周朝的食物,最后绝食而死。

    To refuse the food from Zhou Dynasty , Boyi and Shuqi finally died from fast .

  13. 在中国,一般认为周朝已经存在刑讯逼供。

    In China , thought generally the Chou Dynasty already had extortion of confession by torture .

  14. 在周朝,人们开始庆祝仲秋并拜月。

    In the Zhou Dynasty , the people celebrated the Mid-Autumn Festival to worship the moon .

  15. 它说明了社会的形式,古老仪式,仪式和法院的周朝。

    It described the social forms , ancient rites , and court ceremonies of the Zhou Dynasty .

  16. 周朝还采纳了商朝很多的文字系统、仪式和管理技巧。

    The Zhou also adopted much of the Shang writing system , rituals , and administration techniques .

  17. 文王之子武王姬发领导周朝民众,发起了对商朝的反抗。

    King Wen 's son King Wu ( Ji Fa ) led the Zhou in a revolt .

  18. 和商朝一样,周朝在其统治期间达到了鼎盛时代。

    Like the Shang , the Western Zhou achieved a flourishing age during its period of rule .

  19. 农业周朝是非常密集,在许多情况下,政府的指示。

    Agriculture in the Zhou Dynasty was very intensive and in many cases directed by the government .

  20. 重阳糕又名“菊花糕”或“花糕”重阳糕的历史可追溯到周朝。

    The Double Ninth cake is also known as " chrysanthemum cake " or " flower cake " .

  21. 后来,姜尚辅佐文王,兴邦立国,还帮助文王的儿子武王姬发,灭掉了商朝,建立了周朝。

    Jiang helped Ji Chang and his son turn over the Shang Dynasty and establish the Zhou Dynasty .

  22. 姜子牙协助文王及其子推翻商朝,建立周朝。

    Jiang helped King Wen and his son turn over the Shang Dynasty and establish the Zhou Dynasty .

  23. 我国第一个项目成立了水利水电工程在周朝,最终为手段,以帮助农业灌溉。

    China'sfirst projects of hydraulic engineering were founded during the ZhouDynasty , ultimately for means to aid agricultural irrigation .

  24. 周朝的酒饮料分成两类:米酒和醴酒。

    In the Zhou dynasty , alcoholic beverages were classified into two types : rice wine and Li wine .

  25. 然而,象商朝和周朝时期一样的早期文化的许多元素,纵贯几千年仍然可辨。

    Yet many elements of early cultures such as the Shang and the Zhou remained recognizable across the millennia .

  26. 周朝的农业大多数是在官府的指导下实行集约化生产。

    Agriculture in the Zhou Dynasty was very intensive and in many cases it was directed by the government .

  27. 其经营理念严重影响了文学和政府行政管理的周朝(公元前1122-公元前256)。

    Its philosophy heavily influenced the literature and government administration of the Zhou Dynasty ( 1122 BCE-256 BCE ) .

  28. 宣王统治时期,周朝曾一度有所复兴。

    For a time during the reign of King Xuan , there were signs of revival for a time .

  29. 究其原因,在于楚、吴对于周朝的离心倾向,故而不为周期的邦国体制所接纳。

    The account for the occurrence is the centrifugal force of the Chu and Wu to the Zhou Dynasty .

  30. 最早的类似机构出现在约公元前2000年的埃及和公元前1000年的中国周朝。

    There are early references to postal services in Egypt c.2000 BC and in Zhou-dynasty China c * 1000 BC .