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zhōu sān
  • Wednesday
  1. 从周三晚上开始,首都就停水了。

    The capital has been without mains water since Wednesday night .

  2. 昨晚罗兰·尼尔森打赌谢菲尔德周三队会捧得欧洲联盟杯。

    Roland Nilsson last night backed Sheffield Wednesday to win the UEFA Cup

  3. 上周三你有没有碰巧看见她离开?

    Did you happen to see her leave last Wednesday ?

  4. 中东和平谈判于周三在华盛顿重启。

    Middle East peace talks reopen in Washington on Wednesday .

  5. 与此同时正赶着在下周三之前把路面重新铺好。

    Meanwhile the race is on to resurface the road before next Wednesday .

  6. 如果你有空的话,周三晚上来和我们一起吃晚饭吧。

    Come and have supper with us on Wednesday , if you 're free

  7. 安妮上周三突然在家门外失踪了。

    Anne vanished from outside her home last Wednesday

  8. 参赛作品必须在下周三第一批邮件之前寄达。

    Entries must arrive by first post next Wednesday

  9. 一股强冷空气前锋周三使堪萨斯的天气发生了剧变。

    A very active cold front brought dramatic weather changes to Kansas on Wednesday .

  10. 史蒂夫已经告诉过她自己周三晚上出了事故。

    Steve had told her that he 'd been in an accident on Wednesday night

  11. 我想周二在家工作,但实际上有时却是周三或是周四。

    I want to work at home on a Tuesday but as it turns out sometimes it 's a Wednesday or a Thursday .

  12. 美国总统今晚于总统办公室发表的讲话是将于周三提交国会的经济政策的前奏。

    The President 's address tonight from the Oval Office is a curtain-raiser for the economic policy message set for delivery to Congress on Wednesday .

  13. 顺便问一下,你可打算去参加下周三的花展?

    By the by , do you intend going to the flower show next wednesday ?

  14. 公司周三因未披露2009年业绩被停牌一天。

    The company 's stock was suspended from trading Wednesday for failing to disclose its2009 financial results .

  15. 丹麦于周三(4月15日)放宽了对冠状病毒的限制,重新开放了学校和日托中心。

    Denmark eased its coronavirus restrictions on Wednesday by reopening schools and day care centers .

  16. (下周三是我朋友王翔的生日。我会给他买个礼物。)

    It 's my friend Wang Xiang 's birthday next Wednesday . I 'll buy him a gift .

  17. 周三公布的报告显示,据官方数据,美国每年有1.2万人遭遇“猫抓病”。

    A report published on Wednesday revealed 12000 Americans a year succumb1 to ' cat-scratch disease ' , as it is officially known .

  18. 新华社报道,本周三上午中国将就新时期的国防问题发布一份白皮书。

    China will issue a white paper on Chinese national defense in the new era on Wednesday morning , according to Xinhua News Agency .

  19. 工商总局周三(9月27日)发布网购退货办法草案,向社会公开征求意见。

    China 's administration of Industry and Commerce issued a draft refund1 policy for online shopping on Wednesday . The policy was issued to solicit2 public opinion .

  20. 朝鲜中央电视台报道,该国已于周三清晨成功试射一枚最新研发的洲际弹道导弹。

    The Democratic People 's Republic of Korea ( DPRK ) successfully test fired a newly developed Intercontinental Ballistic Missile early Wednesday morning , the country 's Korean Central Television reported .

  21. 自六月份在温网被同胞库德里亚夫采娃在第二轮比赛中击败之后,周三的蒙特利尔杯比赛是莎娃参加的第一场比赛。在与杜马乔夫斯卡激战的三个小时中,她两度接受肩部治疗。

    Playing her first match since a shock second-round defeat by compatriot Alla Kudryavtseva at Wimbledon in June , Sharapova twice received treatment on her shoulder during her three-hour battle with Domachowska in Montreal on Wednesday .

  22. 广东省气象局表示,2017年第13号台风“天鸽”周三中午在珠海市登陆,台风中心风速达到45米每秒。

    Hato , the 13th typhoon this year , landed at noon Wednesday in Zhuhai City , south China 's Guangdong Province , bringing gales of 45 meters per second at its eye , according to local meteorological authorities .

  23. 周三,泰珀在今年拉斯维加斯SALT投资大会上对基金经理同行和其他与会人员发出了一番警示。

    On Wednesday , Tepper cautioned fellow fund managers and other attendees of this year 's SALT Investing Conference in Las Vegas .

  24. 布宜诺斯艾利斯证券交易所(BuenosAiresstockexchange)周三因全国假日休市一天。

    The Buenos Aires stock exchange was closed on Wednesday for a national holiday .

  25. 塞维利亚从未打过冠军杯,而他们在H组的首场比赛就是在周三客场挑战阿森纳。

    Sevilla have never played in the Champions League and their opening Group H tie is , coincidentally , in north London against Arsenal on Wednesday .

  26. 芬兰移动电话巨头诺基亚公司(NokiaCo.)周三称,公司将与NewAlliance组建合资公司,在中国大陆市场提供移动服务。

    Finnish mobile phone giant Nokia Corp. ( NOK ) said Wednesday it will form a joint venture with New Alliance to offer mobile services in China .

  27. 上周三,奥巴马(Obama)政府提出一项人们期待已久的改革方案,拟把美国企业税税率上限由35%下调为28%。

    On Wednesday the Obama administration proposed a long-awaited cut in the top rate of US corporate tax from 35 per cent to 28 per cent .

  28. 汇丰控股周三发布了第三财政季度的最新交易情况,同时也发布了HSBCFinance的当季业绩报告。

    The bank yesterday gave a third-quarter trading update for its entire business , and reported earnings results at HSBC Finance for the period .

  29. 审查考虑的新科学证据包括本周三《自然》(Nature)杂志在线发表的一份令人困惑的论文,该文认为,移植有时可能无法完全去除缺陷线粒体。

    Among the new scientific evidence considered by the HFEA review was a puzzling paper published on Wednesday in the journal Nature , which suggested that transplantation might occasionally fail to eliminate faulty mitochondria .

  30. 英国央行(bankofEngland)周三发布的最新经济预测显示,要想阻止经济增长放缓并防范通胀降幅过大,英国必须降息两次。

    Two UK interest rate cuts will be needed to stem an economic slowdown and prevent inflation falling too far , the Bank of England 's new economic forecasts indicated on Wednesday .