- 网络negative judgement;Das negative Urteil

On the Negative Judgement in Maths Analysis
In this article , the negative sentence is defined as , first , in content , the negative sentence should express negative judgement as a whole ; second , the negative sentence should have marks in forms .
Semantic hierarchical network model of memory sponsored by Collins and Quillian failed to account for negative effect .
We did not find the left or right hemisphere advantage for words , non-words or pseudowords ;
As to an act , people can use an affirmative or negative answer to judge whether it is criminal .
In Chinese textbook of logic , Induction of Subject Item is the only form of induction , in which both the presupposition and conclusion are negative .
A finding of life based on what at first appeared to be metabolic activity , detected during the Viking missions of 1977 , was so controversial that NASA ultimately rejected it .
The following is the results of this research : ( 1 ) There was a significant difference between words , non-words and pseudowords in error rate and correct reaction time ( CRT ) .
As a common method of judgement in maths , this paper advances that negative judgement by which conclusions can be drawn from basic concepts is a best way to train people 's logical reasoning .
Conclusion The results indicate that the processing of left inferior frontal gyrus in judging pseudo words and real words is not related to grapheme-to-phoneme conversion , but rather to making positive versus negative responses in decision making .
Since it is logically impossible to prove a universal negative , science will never be able to prove that creatures like Bigfoot and the Loch Ness monster do not exist , and it is possible that these mysterious beasts lurk far from prying eyes .
Value evaluation is a positive or negative judgement about whether and how much the nature of object can satisfy the need of subject of value .
This paper describes the use of statistics in the comparative tests on the ability for testing GRP mechanical properties and cites 3 examples to give positive or negative judgement on the agreement of test results by t-test .
That makes a negative value judgment .
English Negation and its Chinese Translation
Academic failure is a kind of negative value judgment of the fact that the anticipated education goals for students in a certain education phase are not obtained .
Continuous Negative Complex Sentence and Hypothetical Judgment