首页 / 词典 / good


  1. 让路向皇后致意

    Clear the road ! Bow your heads before the Queen !

  2. 向污泥皇后鞠躬吧!

    Bow to the queen of slime !

  3. 安琪儿抚摸着她的手和脚,于是她就不那么感到寒冷了。她匆忙地向白雪皇后的宫殿前进。

    The angels patted her hands and feet ; and then she felt the cold less , and went on quickly towards the palace of the Snow Queen .

  4. 稍后,当基诺卡特和我的父亲回家的时候,他向我询问皇后。

    Later , when Keno Carter came home with my father , he asked me about Queen .

  5. 一个男人斜靠着一根柱子等车——这并没有什么非同寻常的——那趟车驶往曼哈顿上城方向,然后向东驶向皇后区。

    A man leaned against a pillar , the way anyone might , waiting for the train that would go uptown in Manhattan and later turn east for Queens .