
  • south;southward
  1. 变化中心位于38°N左右的西北太平洋,且在155°W处向南延伸。

    The center of the interdecadal variation was located at about 38 ° N in the northwestern Pacific , and was extended southward at 155 ° W.

  2. 老族是在公元前千年左右从中国向南迁徙而来的泰族(Tai)人的后代。

    The Lao are descended from the Tai people who began migrating southward from China in the first millennium AD.

  3. 军方称这艘船当时正高速向南行进。

    Military sources say the boat was heading south at high speed

  4. 叛军在向南部挺进时直接绕过了绥德鲁。

    The rebel forces simply bypassed Zwedru on their way further south .

  5. 坦克队于5点15分越过边境,正轰隆隆地缓慢向南开进。

    Tanks had crossed the border at five fifteen and were grinding south .

  6. 我们向南出发了。

    We set off in a southerly direction .

  7. 他迈着大步穿过沙滩缓缓向南希跑去。

    He was loping across the sand toward Nancy

  8. 鸟类通常由北向南迁徙。

    Birds usually migrate from north to south .

  9. 我们飞快地来了个180度的转弯,然后沿着圣米歇尔大道向南疾驰而去。

    We did an extremely fast U-turn and shot south up the Boulevard St. Michel

  10. 由于一次访问的缘故,他来到了摩加迪沙,又向南来到基斯马尤。

    It was a visit that took him to Mogadishu and southwards to Kismayo .

  11. 麦克正开车从佛蒙特向南行驶,中途经停波士顿接上萨拉。

    Mack was driving down from Vermont , with a stop in Boston to pick Sarah up .

  12. 在他的四周,从东到西,从北向南,苍穹里到处繁星闪闪。

    All around him , from east to west , north to south , the stars glittered in the heavens .

  13. 大雁由北向南飞。

    The wild geese fly from north to south .

  14. 公共汽车站在邮局向南几码的地方。

    The bus stop is few yards below the post office .

  15. 向南它伸入阿拉伯海和印度洋。

    It is south into the Arabian Sea and Indian ocean .

  16. 地面微微向南倾斜。

    The land inclines gently to the south .

  17. 列车向南行驶。

    The train is going south .

  18. 浪涛沿着海岸向南涌去。

    The surge travelled southwards along the coast .

  19. 结果表明,在湖北省的这4个区域里,土壤pH表现出从北向南逐渐降低的趋势;

    The results showed that the soil pH gradually decreased from the north to the south in these regions .

  20. 樱桃街(CherryStreet)是一条弯曲的街,从市场街向南沿伸,突然向东穿过旧运河。

    Cherry Street was crooked , running south from Market and abruptly east across the old canal .

  21. 横向上,δ13C及Z值总体具有由北向南升高的趋势。

    Laterally the values of 13C and Z generally present an increasing trend southwards .

  22. 现参照地下水脆弱性评价的DRASTIC指标,采用指数分析方法,进行单要素因子评价。评价结果表明,大庆市主城区地下水脆弱性由西向东,由北向南呈现逐渐降低趋势。

    Taking Daqing main city as the example , according to the DRASTIC index of groundwater vulnerability , the single factor was evaluated .

  23. 在向哈佛大学(HarvardUniversity)捐出其建校四个世纪以来收获的最大一笔捐款后,香港的一个巨富家族打算向南加州大学(UniversityofSouthernCalifornia)捐款。

    One of Hong Kong 's richest families plans to give money to the University of Southern California on the heels of presenting Harvard University with the largest donation in its four-century history .

  24. 深圳市属滨海城市,主山脉走向基本为EW向,由北向南由低山丘岭逐渐到滨海平原。

    Shenzhen City is a seashore city with axial ridge and low mountain physiognomy to seashore plain from the North to the South .

  25. 中国多雨区自北向南的位相差异可能与Hadley环流的变化有关。

    Phase difference of more pluvial regions may be associated with Hadley cell from North to South .

  26. 从哈得4CⅢ油藏综合运移参数的分布特征看,原油具有自北向南的运移和充注过程。

    The distribution of migrating parameters in Hade 4 Cm oil pool suggested the crude oils charged from north to south .

  27. 自2000年开始编制该指数的罗伯特哈金斯(roberthuggins)教授表示,进一步向南部移民只会加剧现有的问题。

    Professor Robert Huggins , who has compiled the index since 2000 , said further migration to the South would only accentuate existing problems .

  28. 发现该构造油源充足,有多套含油气地层。Es1、Es2段油气层具有从北向南呈叠瓦式向上倾方向尖灭的特点。

    This anticline was found to have rich oil resource , there being multiple rich hydrocarbon strata , of which Es_1 and Es_2 members are characterized by southward imbricate updip thinning out .

  29. 从较长时间的长期演变来看,5a特征时间尺度的最大振幅能量活动中心的位置有一种向南移动的趋势。

    In the longer time changes , the location of the largest amplitude energy center corresponding to the 5-year characteristic timescale has a tendency to move towards the south .

  30. 热水的3H值表现出北高南低的特点,14C年龄也由北往南逐渐增大,说明热水自北向南流动。

    The distributing of 3H in geothermal water is higher in the north and lower in the south , and the dating of 14C of geothermal water is increasing from north to south .