
wàng zú
  • distinguished family;prominent family;respected and influential clan;well-established family
望族 [wàng zú]
  • [distinguished family;well-established family;prominent family] 有名望、有地位的家族

  • 王谢二氏,最为望族。--秦观《王俭论》

  • 名门望族

望族[wàng zú]
  1. 明清江南望族在教育上具有灵活性和适应性。

    Education of the distinguished family in Jiangnan delt in Ming and Qing Dynasties flexible and fitting .

  2. 望族因其社会影响的关系,一向在家族史中受到研究者的重视。

    Due to its social influence ," Distinguished family " has always been the focus in the study of family history .

  3. 他出身名门望族。

    He came from a very good family .

  4. 于是,许多名门望族纷纷前来争聘他的第二个女儿。

    Thereupon , many distinguished8 families came to propose marriage to the second daughter .

  5. 地方望族的权力运作模式以W地区为个案

    A Power Game Model of the Local Distinguished Families & The Case Study of District W

  6. 李写道,伊迪丝·纽伯·琼斯(EdithNewboldJones)1862年出生于一个“老纽约的名门望族”。

    In1862 , Edith Newbold Jones was born into an " old-established New York clan ", as Ms Lee puts it .

  7. 在曼哈顿东区的皮埃尔酒店(Pierre),他把照相机对准洛克菲勒(Rockefeller)和范德比尔特(Vanderbilt)这些身穿花呢服装的纽约望族。

    At the Pierre hotel on the East Side of Manhattan , he pointed his camera at tweed-wearing blue-blood New Yorkers with names like Rockefeller and Vanderbilt .

  8. 不愿透露自己姓氏的法国某望族传人洛朗(Laurent)也喜欢与人为伴,他对外招租的是自家位于巴黎、始建于路易十六时期(LouisXVI)、面积达4300平方英尺的空置豪宅。

    Laurent also likes the company . A scion of a large French family - he won 't give his surname - he lets his sumptuous 4300 sq ft Louis XVI-period spare apartment in Paris .

  9. 12世纪时,这座遗迹经过翻修,成为科洛纳(Colonna)望族的堡垒,抵御各交战诸侯的袭击。

    By the twelfth century , though , the monument had been renovated into a fortress for the powerful Colonna family , to protect them from assaults by various warring princes .

  10. 右昌杨家是右昌地区的望族。

    The Yang family is a prominent family in Youchang area .

  11. 晋商望族常氏家族的民居文化

    Folk Residence Culture of the Celebrated Chang 's Family in Shanxi

  12. 她究竟是出生卑微或是名门望族?

    Is she a wicked girl or born to royalty ?

  13. 他的家庭在故乡是名门望族。

    His family was well known in their town .

  14. 第三节为儒家文化与即墨望族诗歌中的家族意识。

    The third section discusses the Confucian culture and the sense of family .

  15. 电信网络管理的望族&TMOS

    TMOS & A Product Family of Telecom Network Management

  16. 沈明臣出身于宁波栎社一大家望族。

    Shen Mingcheng was born into a family of wealth in Lishe , Ningbo .

  17. 例如在2012年发表的一篇论文中,格雷戈里分析了瑞典的名门望族。

    In a 2012 paper , for instance , Mr Clark examines prosperous Swedes .

  18. 他为他出身于名门望族而骄傲。

    He was proud of his impeccable pedigree .

  19. 他们对名门望族已经不像以往那样买账了。

    They are less smitten with aristocratic dynasties .

  20. 她出身于名门望族,又很富有。这一切都是我所需要的。

    She is rich and of good family and that 's all I want .

  21. 她出生于名门望族。

    She comes from a famous family .

  22. 她出身于名门望族。

    She comes from a well-known family .

  23. 出身名门望族不会不受到重视。

    An old name counted for something .

  24. 不过,他也结识了约旦和科威特名门望族的子弟。

    But he also came to know the children of prominent Jordanian and Kuwaiti families .

  25. 佩雷斯家族一直是莫拉村的名门望族。

    The P é rezes have long been one of Mora 's more prominent families .

  26. 二十世纪无锡地区望族的权力实践

    The Power Practice of the Wuxi 's Distinguished Families in the 20 ~( th ) Century

  27. 徽州地区是汪姓人口主要聚集地,两汉至唐朝已是当地望族。

    Huizhou District is a main place where the population with family name Wang is located .

  28. 于是,军籍家族兼备了军功和科举两条发展道路,最终成为了望族。

    So the family had both military and imperial examination two development roads , eventually become the family .

  29. 名门望族出身的男子

    A man of pedigree

  30. 要想在那公司获得管理部门的一个职位,你必须是出身名门望族。

    You have to be out of the top drawer to get a management position with what company .