
xiàng shàng pá
  • Climb up;be intent on personal advancement;eager to climb up the social ladder
向上爬[xiàng shàng pá]
  1. 这都不过是一个向上爬的完整计划的一部分。

    It 's all part of an overall strategy to gain promotion .

  2. 然后我们在杜鹃花丛中沿着陡坡向上爬。

    Then we ascend steeply through forests of rhododendron .

  3. 每个人都认识一些利用老同学关系向上爬的人。

    Everyone knows people who have wormed their way up on old school connections .

  4. 他们正沿一条狭窄的山路向上爬。

    They were climbing up a narrow mountain road

  5. 所有那些削尖脑袋向上爬的可耻行径!

    All that vulgar social-climbing !

  6. 如果把他的一生描述成不惜任何代价一心想向上爬,那就错了。

    It would be wrong to portray his life as a calculated ascent to power at any cost .

  7. 卡车沿着盘山公路向上爬去。

    The trucks climbed the twisting mountain road .

  8. 在我们向上爬时,我们看到许多志愿者在阳光下维持秩序。

    On our way up , we saw many volunteers keeping order in the sun .

  9. 我很害怕,拼命地向上爬

    I was very frightened and clinging on like mad .

  10. 他是一心巴结布尔斯特罗德,好让自己向上爬

    He was currying favour with Bulstrode for the sake of making himself important .

  11. invest:大家都知道invest是“投资”的意思,那么这里Thewoodinesscreptupwardandbydegreesinvestedherbody可以翻译成“木质的东西逐渐向上爬投资了她的身体”吗?

    The woodiness crept upward and by degrees invested her body .

  12. “讲述的是一个有着高尚文学渴望的学生Thetaleofastudent”,诱惑一位杰出的作家,以便能利用他的关系网向上爬。

    With exalted literary aspirations who lures a brilliant writer into an affair so she can take advantage ofhis connections .

  13. low-rent:低劣的你告诉他了,你告诉了你的穷酸男朋友,social-climbing:结交社会权贵向上爬hand-me-down:半新的blab:泄密他又告诉了他趋炎附势的穿我旧衣服的妹妹,然后她向Nate告密了。

    Blair : You did . You told your low-rent boyfriend , and he told his social-climbing sister who wears my hand-me-downs , and she blabbed to Nate . -

  14. Gales先生希望2015年前,标致能在全球汽车制造商的名单上向上爬3个名次。以上提到的这些能让Gales先生梦想成真吗?

    Whether all this will allow Peugeot to climb three places in the league table of global carmakers by2015 , as Mr Gales hopes , is more doubtful .

  15. Vawter使用仿生腿在芝加哥一栋高楼里向上爬了103个阶梯,但是仿生腿的设计者们仍然在尝试提高它的性能。

    Vawter climbed 103 floors of a Chicago skyscraper on his bionic leg , but its designers are still working on improving it .

  16. 他们办公室全是些向上爬的人和自命不凡的家伙。

    Their office is full of social climbers and I-love-me fellows .

  17. 在你向上爬的时候,你任意地践踏我。

    You have trodden on me freely in your climbing up .

  18. 为了进一步向上爬,他什么事都干得出来。

    He would stoop to anything to further his career .

  19. 这就是我们向上爬的地方。

    This is where we start climbing , ie upwards .

  20. 社会压力迫使他要设法向上爬。

    He is compelled by social pressures to seek advancement .

  21. 论张天翼笔下的向上爬小人物形象

    Images of the Little People in Zhang Tianyi 's Articles

  22. 我努力向上爬去,可是脚底突然一滑,摔了下来。

    As I tried to reach it , I slipped and fell .

  23. 殖民地的那些一心向上爬的人开始仿效他们的征服者。

    The social climbers in the colonies started to mimic their conquerors .

  24. 他向上爬了数英里才爬进山里。

    He climbed for miles high up into the mountain .

  25. 有时候,向上爬几乎不可能。

    And sometimes it 's almost impossible to move upward at all .

  26. 我们一直在努力向上爬啊爬啊

    we Are Climbing Up And Up And Up .

  27. 奋力向上爬的年轻人。

    Younger people working their way up the ladder .

  28. 领导职位尚未空缺,几个竞争者早就在为向上爬而钩心斗角了。

    Several candidate have is manoeuvre for position long before the leadership become vacant .

  29. 每个公司都有向上爬的人。

    We have social climbers in every company .

  30. 鲍勃总是在社会上拼命向上爬。

    BoB 's always Been a social climBer .