
  • 网络Hindmilk;hind milk
  1. 乳牛摄入含黄曲霉毒素B1饲料后奶中分泌M1的研究

    Studies on the secretion of aflatoxin m_1 in cow 's milk after a aflatoxin b_1 feeding

  2. 操作指南:鼠标左键操作,过关后白色奶人会跳不同的舞哦!

    Operate guidebook : Mouse left key operation , the white milk person will do a different dance after pass !

  3. 目的探讨剖腹产儿术后少奶期全母乳喂养所存在的问题。

    Objective : To evaluate the effects of full breast_feeding in milk deficit period after operation on newborns delivered through Caesarean operation .

  4. 先生告诉通讯社,嫌犯在将奶制品销售给三鹿之前向奶粉中添加水,随后加入化学品三聚氰胺,这样可以使得稀释后的奶制品仍能达到标准。

    Zhao told the news agency that the suspects added water to the milk they sold to Sanlu to make more money , then added the chemical so the diluted milk could still meet standards .

  5. 添加葵花籽油脂肪酸钙后产奶量提高4.76%、乳脂率提高3.52%、乳蛋白率降低3.35%、乳干物质提高1.42%(P>0.05)。

    After adding 200 g calcium soap of sunflower fatty acid on basal diets , the milk yield , milk fat percentage and milk solids increased by 4.76 % , 3.52 % and 1.42 % , milk protein percentage decreased by 3.35 % .

  6. 分别于家兔分娩后1~10d采奶,用ELISA方法检测乳汁中Ser-125hIL-2含量。

    Milk was collected from the rabbits 1 & 10 d after parturition , and Ser-125 hIL-2 in the milk was detected by ELISA assays .

  7. 经产羊分娩之日和泌乳的40~66d血浆PRL水平与分娩后的产奶量呈显著相关性(P<0.05)。

    In multi-parous goats , significant correlations were found between plasma PRL levels and milk yields on the day of parturition and during 40-66 days of early lactation stage ( p < 0.05 ) .

  8. 结果表明:注射后3~78h,奶样有明显纤溶活性,其中6~16h活性最高。

    The fibrinolysis activity of the milk was the highest in 6 ~ 16 hours after injection .

  9. 结果表明:奶牛饲料中添加上述微量元素后,产奶量明显提高。且鲜奶中所含的铁、锌、硒都有不同程度的增加。

    The results indicate that the yield of milk was improved greatly , and the contents of iron , zinc , and selenium were also increased differently by the addition of the trace elements in the feedstuff .

  10. 灭活的葡萄球菌和大肠杆菌免疫后能够刺激奶山羊血液和乳汁中特异性抗体效价的水平,转移因子对促进这些疫苗免疫后的抗体效价作用优于蜂胶。

    The high-level specific antibody could be produced in blood and milk of milk goat after immunization of E. coli and staphylococci , and the effect of transfer factor to promote these antibody titers was optimal to propolis .

  11. 用蘸有1%~2%盐酸丁卡因溶液的纱布块填塞在发情后7天的奶山羊子宫颈外口处,松弛子宫颈。

    Cervices were relaxed using a piece of gauze dipped in 1 % ~ 2 % Dicaine Hydrochlorltie ( D.H. ) solution on outer mouth of the cervices of dairy goats 7 days of oestrus cycle .

  12. 2000年安氏隐孢子虫被正式命名,其主要感染育成牛和成年牛,奶牛感染后可以引起产奶量下降,体重减轻,是影响奶牛业发展的重要致病因素之一。

    In 2000 , it was named as Cryptosporidium andersoni . The adult cattle was mainly infected with Cryptosporidium andersoni . The cattle infected with C. andersoni can cause milk production decreased , weight loss , and it is affected the development of dairy industry .

  13. 36例经新生儿苯丙酮尿症(PKU)筛查阳性患儿在生后2个月内开始治疗,18例先由进口低苯丙氨酸奶方治疗后转用国产奶方治疗;

    Thirty-six cases of phenylketonuria patients identified by a neonatal screening program were started to receive the treatment within 2 months after birth . Of them , 18 ( born before 1987 ) were given imported low-phenylalanine diet , but the treatment was switched to local-made formula in 1987 ;