
hòu wèi
  • defender;back;guard;full back;rear guard;cover point
后卫 [hòu wèi]
  • (1) [rear guard]

  • (2) 行军时担任后方警戒任务的部队。通常由营担任,当师成一个纵队背敌行军时,可由团担任。后卫营或团应根据情况向后方、侧方派出警戒

  • (3) 为护送和保护主力的或部队的后部而派出的军事分遣队

  • (4) [back]∶在橄榄球队中充当进攻的队员,位置是在本队前夕的后面

  • 使成为像个能跑、能踢、能传的三全能橄榄政治协商会议后卫明星

  • (5) [full back]

  • (6) 足球(指美国式足球)队中任防守的队员,主要任务是在进攻中冲进争球线阻挡对方;在防守中保护防守线

  • (7) 造近防守球门的球队的主要防守队员(例如足球,速球,由棍政治协商会议,橄球球)

  • (8) [guard]∶守卫在篮球场后方的两球员之一,这两人的任务主要是防守

  • (9) [cover point]∶板球运动中,处在击球员右前方防守位置上的守场员

后卫[hòu wèi]
  1. 在一支篮球队伍中,后卫是一个不可或缺的角色。

    A rear guard is indispensable in a basketball team .

  2. 但后卫和法国人之间

    But between our rear guard and the French ,

  3. 后卫一脚把球踢出50米远,落入人群中。

    The fullback 's kick carried 50 metres into the crowd .

  4. 我过去从来未当过右后卫。

    I 've never played right back before .

  5. 亨特担任后卫。

    Hunter is at fullback .

  6. 那位26岁的后卫已经在该俱乐部试用10天了。

    The 26-year old fullback has been on trial at the club for ten days .

  7. 他习惯了彪悍的后卫,通常都能战而胜之。

    He is used to tough defenders , and he usually gets the better of them .

  8. 他带球过了4名后卫。

    He dribbled past four defenders

  9. 他越过对方后卫,趁势把球踢入球门。

    He dribbled past the fullback and scored a goal .

  10. 美国职业篮球联赛(nba)的最佳后卫之一讲解了如何有效地使用盯防战术。

    One of the best defenders in the NBA explained how to effectively play man-to-man defence .

  11. 中锋把球踢给后卫,后卫又把球踢回给中锋。

    The center forward kicked the ball to the quarter-back , who kicked it back to him .

  12. 当后卫不肯听从队长的命令时,队长说他不允许这样。

    When the fullback refused to obey the captain , the captain said he would have none of that .

  13. 他们也是更好的篮球后卫。问问姚明就知道了。

    They are also better basketball guards.Just ask Yao Ming .

  14. 那个高大的后卫擒抱阻拦得很凶。

    That big fullback tackles hard .

  15. 上半场最后一分钟,中国队守门员彭诗梦扑出了韩国队利用角球机会发出的一个近距离头球,但是球反弹进网。这个进球最初判给了韩国队前锋崔友利,不过亚洲足联后来又判定这个进球是中国队后卫李梦雯的乌龙球。

    In the last minute of the first half , Chinese goalkeeper Peng Shimeng saved a close-range header from a corner , but couldn 't keep the ball out of the net from a rebound Li Mengwen 's own goal .

  16. 西班牙人俱乐部已经拒绝了签下AC米兰后卫达里奥-西米奇的机会。

    Espanyol have rejected the chance to sign AC Milan defender Dario Simic .

  17. 然而,AC米兰仍然也有可能签下巴西后卫阿莱克斯-席尔瓦。

    However , there still is a possibility to sign Brazilian defender Alex Silva too .

  18. 我国CBA优秀后卫进攻能力的分析与对策研究

    The Analysis and Countermeasures Research of CBA Outstanding Guards ' Offensive Capability

  19. 浅析CBA与NBA后卫之间的身高差距

    How to Narrow the Gap of Height between the Guards of CBA and NBA

  20. Bridge和佩罗塞尔去年夏天就分手了,但这位曼彻斯特联队的后卫还是为他最好的朋友和他前女友好上了而感到震惊伤痛。

    Bridge and Miss Perroncel split last summer , but the Manchester City defender is said to be devastated that one of his best friends apparently had a relationship with his former girlfriend .

  21. 被Johnson训斥了三年后,这个6-3的后卫准备好帮助达拉斯争夺总冠军了。

    After three years of hearing Johnson berate him , the6-3 point guard is ready to help lead Dallas to a championship .

  22. 伊万诺维奇还没有为切尔西出场过,因此成为了AC米兰和尤文的目标,但是斯科拉里宣称他不能接受失去这名能踢多个位置的后卫。

    Ivanovic , still to make an appearance for Chelsea , was a target for AC Milan and Juventus , but Scolari insisted he couldn 't afford to lose the versatile defender .

  23. 经过Johnson的指引,Harris把他的运动能力应用到了防守端,在对抗掩护上他正在变成联盟最好的后卫之一。

    Per Johnson 's instructions , Harris has applied his athleticism to the defensive end while becoming one of the best guards in the league at fighting through screens .

  24. 在快攻中,CUBA男子组织后卫选择发动快攻的方式大致相同,多数选择先寻找快下队员及时将球传出。

    On a break , CUBA men organized the defender selection quick attack in much the same way , most choose to find quickly the ball team in time .

  25. 美国陆军的前沿防空系统包括4个主要组成部分:PMS复仇者,这是视线瞄准后卫系统;

    The US Army 's forward-area air-defense system ( FAADS ) comprises four primary elements : PMS Avenger , the line-of-sight rear system ;

  26. 身高6尺2,在NBA得分后卫上来讲,他属于特别低的,这也很可能使他在防守端不能提升到更高的一个水平上。

    At 6-2 , he 's extremely small for the NBA shooting guard position , and it will likely keep him from being much of a defender at the next level ...

  27. 斯托克后卫赖恩。邵克罗斯在铲断Ramsey腿的问题上打破沉默,说他现在还没有接到阿森纳中场的任何回音。

    Ryan Shawcross , the Stoke City defender , has broken his silence on the tackle that broke Aaron Ramsey 's leg and said that he is yet to receive any contact from the Arsenal midfield player .

  28. 里奥表示如果一名后卫能获得PFA年度最佳球员,那会带来一些全新的改变。他也觉得队友维迪奇是这一奖项的有力争夺着。

    Rio Ferdinand says it would make a refreshing change to see a fellow defender pick up the PFA Player of the Year award and he feels team-mate Nemanja Vidic is a strong contender for the accolade .

  29. 费迪南德半场被里斯。布朗换下,英格兰U-19后卫和他哥哥组成了曼联的中卫组合。

    Ferdinand was replaced by Reece Brown at half-time , and the England under-19s defender joined his elder brother Wes in the heart of the United backline .

  30. 他们在后面的支持比朴次茅斯的边后卫做得更好。

    They supported from behind far more than Portsmouth 's full-backs .