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  1. 6·同氏族人有互相保护和援助的义务。

    Obligation of mutual protection and help among members of the gens .

  2. 这一惯例只有在女子不能和同氏族人结婚的前提下才有意义。

    There is no sense in this rule unless a woman may not marry a member of her own gens .

  3. 在第二次布匿战争时,各氏族都联合起来,赎回他们的被俘的同氏族人;

    At the time of the second Punic war the gentes joined together to ransom their members who had been taken prisoner ;

  4. 死者的财产转归其余的同氏族人所有,它必须留在氏族中。

    The property of deceased persons passed to the other members of the gens ; it had to remain in the gens .

  5. 对比了密闭微波萃取同索氏萃取和超声萃取丹参有效成分的差异。

    Compared with Soxhlet extraction and ultrasonic extraction , microwave-assisted extraction is more efficient .

  6. 我们给病人做的脑部电脑断层扫描却发现其左额-顶叶有一巨大的慢性硬脑膜下血肿,且意外的发现在同一侧的希氏裂出现一个蜘蛛膜囊肿。

    Brain computed tomography revealed a huge chronic subdural hematoma over the left frontoparietal lobe , with an incidental finding of an arachnoid cyst over the left sylvian fissure .