
  • 网络ISOL
  1. HI-13串列加速器升级工程在线同位素分离器高质量分辨谱仪物理设计

    Physical Design of High Mass Resolution Spectrometer for ISOL

  2. 兰州在线同位素分离器ISOLAN

    A status report of ISoLaN & the on-line isotope separator in Lanzhou

  3. 叙述了在复旦大学加速器实验室30keV同位素分离器上建立的一套离子注入装置。

    An ion implantation system based on a 30 keV mini-separator has been set up and tested at Fudan University .

  4. 在线同位素分离器和丰中子核β衰变

    Isotope Separator on Line and β Decay of Neutron - rich Nuclei

  5. 在线同位素分离器中空阴极靶离子源

    A hollow cathode target ion source for isol in Lanzhou

  6. 255°双聚焦电磁同位素分离器的离子光学系统

    Ion optical system of a 255 ° double-focusing electromagnetic isotope separator at IAE

  7. 熔化靶技术用于在线同位素分离器

    On-line Isotope Separator Combined With a Molten Target Unit

  8. 激光分离铀同位素分离器的设计及应用

    Design and application of the separator of AVLIS

  9. 将熔化铅靶技术应用于在线同位素分离器。

    The molten lead target unit are combined with an on line isotope separator .

  10. 介绍了光电耦合器在兰州在线同位素分离器终端上的带传输实验中的应用。

    The linear optical coupler is the new photoelectricity device which is spreading in the world .

  11. 磁化离子同位素分离器

    Magneto ionic isotope separator

  12. 利用上述方法完成了一台大型电磁同位素分离器边缘磁场的优化。

    Using optimization principl On the basis of the method , the optimization of the fringing magneticfield for a large-scale electromagnetic isotope separator is finished .

  13. 简要介绍了在线同位素分离器的原理以及在奇异核β衰变核谱学中的应用。

    Isotope Separator on Line is briefly introduced with emphasis on the basic concept and features related to the production of exotic nuclei and β decay spectroscopy .

  14. 此理论在同位素分离器、电子束劈裂器以及显微镜等方面有重要应用,特别是近年来,它在调制、定位、聚焦等方面的应用引起了人们很大的兴趣。

    This effect has important application in isotope separation , beam splitter and microscopy , and so on . More recently , it has attracted much interest in modulation , localization and focusing .