
hé zhònɡ ɡuó
  • federated country;the United States
  1. 我向下滚动文档搜索“美利坚合众国”。

    I scrolled down to find ' United States of America ' .

  2. 上校,你准备一手把美利坚合众国卷进这场战争去吗?

    You 're prepared to get the United States of America into this war all by yourself , are you , captain ?

  3. 美利坚合众国代表团表示完全支持b集团的发言。

    The delegation of the United States of America expressed its full support for the statement of group B.

  4. 一种四价流行性脑脊髓膜炎疫苗(已在美利坚合众国获许可证)和一种预防脑膜炎A和C的七价疫苗(将于2007年注册);

    A tetravalent meningococcal meningitis vaccine ( licensed in the United States ) and a heptavalent vaccine protecting against meningitis A and C ( to be licensed in2007 );

  5. 美利坚合众国常被缩略为U.S.a.。

    The United States of america is commonly abbreviated to U.S.a. .

  6. Microsoft与Windows则是美利坚合众国和/或其他国家的注册商标。

    Microsoft and Windows are either a registered trademark or trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and / or other countries .

  7. IBM徽标与Rational是美利坚合众国、其他国家或者两者IBM公司的注册商标。

    IBM , the IBM logo , and Rational are trademarks of IBM Corporation in the United States , other countries , or both .

  8. 在1971年的“纽约时报公司诉合众国”案(NewYorkTimesCo.v.UnitedStates)即五角大楼文件案(PentagonPapers)中,美国最高法院权衡的正是这样一个个问题。

    The Supreme Court of the United States considered this issue in New York Times Co.v.United States ( 1971 ), often referred to as the Pentagon Papers case .

  9. “对妇女和儿童的暴力,以及冲突和自然灾害中妇女的健康”,&GraceHorn,美利坚合众国

    " Violence against women and children , and women 's health in conflicts and natural disasters ," & Grace Horn , United States of America

  10. HowardZucker博士来自美利坚合众国,是卫生技术和药物部门的助理总干事。

    Dr Howard Zucker , from the United States of America , is the Assistant Director-General for the Health Technology and Pharmaceuticals cluster .

  11. 灯光渐起,出现在舞台上的是合众国第三任副总统,因在1804年的决斗中杀死了汉密尔顿而背上骂名的阿龙·伯尔(AaronBurr)。

    The houselights rise on Aaron Burr , the third vice president of the United States and , infamously , the killer of Hamilton in a duel in 1804 .

  12. 最后,KevinDeCock博士来自美利坚合众国,是艾滋病毒/艾滋病司司长。

    Finally , Dr Kevin DeCock , who is from the United States of America , is the Director for HIV / AIDS .

  13. Hassan做出结论说,这样的措施或许未必与呼吁成立“阿非利加合众国”这样的提议获得同样的公众注意力,但是它们可以让非洲大陆各国走得更近。

    Such measures may not attract the same public attention as calls for a United States of Africa , but they can help bring the continent closer together , concludes Hassan .

  14. 正如新总统常常指出的,他的当选并没有建成马丁路德金(martinlutherking)所梦想的无种族歧视社会,更没有使美利坚合众国的缔造者所设想的联盟变得完美。

    As the new president has often pointed out , his election does not build the colour-blind society dreamed of by Martin Luther King ; still less does it perfect the union that the founders of the United States envisaged .

  15. 美利坚合众国认为我们需要学习MSSI组织并且组成一个像他们这样的组织。

    The United States feels that we should learn from the MSSI and form an organization like the MSSI .

  16. Dr.DavidOwen:我们现在还不是很清楚,罗马经济是否在反弹,经济反弹又会给这个联邦制的欧洲合众国造成怎样的影响?

    Dr. David Owen : Is it not perfectly clear that what was being attempted at Rome was a bounce and a bounce that led only one way , and that was to a single federal united states of Europe ?

  17. 从MSSI成功的案例美利坚合众国相信国家之间的合作才是最好的解决办法。

    From the successful example of MSSI , the United States feels that corporation between countries is the best way to solve this .

  18. “世卫组织的烟草控制框架公约是朝着正确方向迈出的历史性一步,”&JackE.Henningfield,美利坚合众国

    " WHO 's Framework Convention on Tobacco Control was a monumental step in the right direction ," & Jack E.Henningfield , United States of America

  19. 以合众国的名义借贷款项;

    To borrow money on the credit of the United states ;

  20. 美利坚合众国始于英国在北美的13个殖民地。

    The United States of America began as 13 British colonies .

  21. 热列欢迎美利坚合众国总统乔治·沃克·布什来京!

    Welcome President of the United States George W.Bush to Beijing !

  22. 你是美利坚合众国的总统。

    You are the president of the United States of america .

  23. 我据此承认你为美利坚合众国第46任总统。

    I hereby recognize you as the46th president of this country .

  24. (一)合众国的军事或外交职能。

    A military or foreign affairs function of the United States ;

  25. 女士们,先生们,有请美利坚合众国国总统。

    Ladies and gentlemen , the president of the United states .

  26. 并且第二次见到了合众国的总统

    And I met the president of the United States again .

  27. 然后一路表演到又美又利又坚的合众国

    And we go all the way to US and A !

  28. 美利坚合众国不是欠账不还的国家。

    The United States of America is not a deadbeat nation .

  29. 美利坚合众国十三个州一致通过的独立宣言。

    The Unanimous Declaration of the Thirteen United States of America .

  30. 在美国,而且永远是美利坚合众国。

    In america , as well as the United States forever .