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shǐ shí
  • historical facts;history
史实 [shǐ shí]
  • [history;historical facts] 历史上的事实

  • 史家为了史实而牺牲生命,传为美谈

史实[shǐ shí]
  1. 学生们很快便对听连串史实厌烦起来。

    Students soon grow weary of listening to a parade of historical facts .

  2. 这些故事大多有史实根据。

    Most of these stories are based on historical facts .

  3. 这本书与史实不符。

    The book is historically inaccurate .

  4. 年表是一段信息丰富又有趣的历史探寻之旅,它精彩地描述了许多令人难以置信的史实。

    CHRONOLOGICA is an informative and entertaining tour into history , beautifully illustrated and full of unbelievable facts .

  5. 当导游在每个站点分享独特的史实时,您可以探索国家广场上的纪念碑和纪念馆。

    Explore the monuments and memorials on the National Mall as your guide shares unique facts and history at each stop .

  6. 让我引述一些史实作为我立论的前提。

    Let me premise my argument with a bit of history .

  7. 最后,透过结构与和声这两大表现形式,结合相关资料与史实,对《b小调奏鸣曲》的内容做相关阐释。并得出该曲具有极大的自传意义的结论。

    Finally , through the two major forms , the structure and harmony , and combined with relevant information and facts on the " Sonata in b minor ", infer the great sonata has " autobiographic feature " conclusions .

  8. 在教学过程中,将教学内容进行优化组合,用计算机多媒体进行链接,制成教学CAI课件。教学时,将相关的化学实验或化学史实展示给学生,创设教学情境,并由学生发现学习问题;

    In the process of teaching , we make CAI courseware by bettering contents and materials of study with the computer , and we make the students find out questions and resolve them at the same time .

  9. 正如KingsleyDavis指出:现况的崇拜者有时暗示没有完全同意的协议,改革是不可能的;这样的暗示违反史实。

    As Kingsley Davis has pointed out ( 21 ), worshippers of the status quo sometimes imply that no reform is possible without unanimous agreement , an implication contrary to historical fact .

  10. 人们认为一部分芬兰民族史实卡勒瓦拉(Kalevala)是起源于爱沙尼亚和一些历史事件,其中的地点和人物也和爱沙尼亚有关。

    Some parts of Finnish epic Kalevala are believed to originate from Estonia and some events , locations and characters may have connections with Estonia as well .

  11. 美国载人航天器的发展史实

    History of Manned Space Vehicle in the United States of America

  12. 由讲述人一代接一代地将史实描述为传奇故事口传下来。

    Legends handed down from one generation of story-tellers to another .

  13. 这是近五百年来历史所遗留下来的史实。

    This is a historical fact of the past 500 years .

  14. 这段视频史实准确,有趣而且编辑得很好。

    The video was also historically accurate and of good length .

  15. 下表中将试图具体列出编目史实。

    The following chart attempts to crystallize the history of cataloguing .

  16. 吐鲁番出土文书充分证明了这一史实。

    The unearthed documents in Turpan fully testify the historical fact .

  17. 巴布亚新几内亚历史该书内容与史实不符。

    History of Papua New Guinea The book is historically inaccurate .

  18. 为了明天历史课的考试,他正在仓促地记诵着史实和日期。

    He is cramming facts and dates for his history examination tomorrow .

  19. 和2002年诺贝尔物理学奖有关的一段史实

    A historical incident related to the 2002 Nobel Physics Prize

  20. 综述起来大致有四个方面:首先是分封制与郡县制的史实问题;

    It can be summarized into the four aspects as follows : I.

  21. 所以在这部史实电影里,所有人都是多余的。

    So in this big epic movie , everybody is an extra .

  22. 科学评价郑和航海业绩最基本的原则是以史实为依据。

    The principle of scientific evaluation is to start with historical facts .

  23. 亚里士多德有指导亚历山大大帝的著名史实;

    Aristotle famously was a tutor of Alexander the Great .

  24. 有关古埃及的史实,最近已有新发现。

    New facts about the ancient Egypt have recently come to light .

  25. 同济医学院与德国医学合作百年史实

    Century historic facts of medical cooperation between Tongji Medical College and Germany

  26. 第一章是本文的史实基础部分。

    Chapter one is the historical basis of the thesis .

  27. 地质研究所若干史实补考

    A Supplementary Study on Some Historical Facts About the Institute of Geology

  28. 史实是重要的,但史实本身也是死板的。

    Facts are important , but facts are also dead in themselves .

  29. 歪曲史实是违反历史的写作原则的。

    Distorting the history fact obviously violates this writing principle .

  30. 信仰与史实的统一&慧皎《高僧传》叙事分析

    Unity of Belief and History : Narrative Analysis of Stories of Dignitary Monks