
  • 网络knowability;cognosciblism
  1. 瓦萨里惊恐地说他若非无神论者,就是不可知论者。

    Vasari claimed with horror that he was , if not an atheist , then an agnostic .

  2. 你在一个信奉不可知论的家庭里长大,一直都无法信仰上帝。

    You grew up in an agnostic household and have never been able to bring yourself to believe in God .

  3. 不可知论者即是怀疑论者。

    An agnostic is a doubter .

  4. 对超自然现象在相当大的程度上采取不可知论的态度是20世纪几乎所有有头脑的人的标志。

    A considerable degree of agnosticism about the supernatural has been a mark of almost all thinking people in the20th century .

  5. Web服务在电子商务方面所引起的最重大的改变是,它使得业务对话在某种程度上是技术不可知论者。

    The most significant change in e-business caused by Web services is that it makes business dialogue somewhat technology agnostic .

  6. E.不可知论者(单选)

    E. Agnostic ( check only one )

  7. n.无知;不可知论

    lack of knowledge or awareness : ignorance

  8. 【哲学】n.不可知论者(相信无法证实上帝的存在但又不否认上帝存在可能性的人)adj.不可知论(者)的

    One who believes that there can be no proof of the existence of God but does not deny the possibility that God exists Relating to or being an agnostic

  9. 伯南克在雷曼(lehman)倒闭前犯了三个关键性错误:第一个、也是最重要的一个是,他固守央行应在涉及资产泡沫时持不可知论的哲学信念。

    Mr Bernanke made three critical mistakes in his pre-Lehman incarnation : first , and foremost , he was deeply wedded to the philosophical conviction that central banks should be agnostic when it comes to asset bubbles .

  10. Java2平台袖珍版(Java2Platform,microedition(J2ME))为开发者提供了伟大的工具,它把Java平台的以网络为中心和平台不可知论的特性移植到有限存储器和有限处理器的设备。

    Java 2 Platform , Micro Edition ( J2ME ) provides the developers great tools , that it transplants the characteristics of the centralized network and platform agnosticism of the Java to the limited memorizer and limited processor device .

  11. 阿泰是一个朗诵困难者,不可知论者和失眠患者。

    Ron Artest is dyslexic , agnostic , and an insomniac .

  12. 奥地利学派人类行为研究方法容易滑向不可知论泥淖。

    Austrian school 's human action methodology easily slides into agnosticism .

  13. 过去几年来,我真可说成了一个不可知论者。

    The past few years I 've really become an agnostic .

  14. 我想,有时候这种不可知论能够通向道德成熟。

    I think sometimes that agnosticism can lead to a moral maturity .

  15. 我不认为自己信奉不可知论,因为我很乐观。

    I won 't say skeptical because I 'm optimistic .

  16. 即使他们之前是同样的不可知论者。

    Even though the before they were all equally agnostic .

  17. 这是个意外的体会。因为我刚开始是一个不可知论者,

    This one was unexpected because I started the year as an agnostic ,

  18. 在孤独的散兵坑里确实有许多不可知论者;

    True , there are plenty of agnostics in the foxholes of solitude ;

  19. 我提到过,洛克是个不可知论者。

    I have mentioned that Locke was very agnostic .

  20. 你听说过又是阅读障碍者又是不可知论者的失眠症患者吗?没听说过。

    Did you hear about the dyslexic agnostic insomniac ?

  21. 天主教徒对于新教教义来说,是不可知论者。

    Catholics are agnostic to the Protestant creeds .

  22. 第13单元阅读障碍者、不可知论者、失眠症患�

    Unit 13 A Dyslectic , Agnostic , Insomniac

  23. 无神论者和不可知论者的数量越来越多。

    Atheism and agnosticism are increasing in number .

  24. 我想我是不可知论者,我也不是很肯定。

    I 'm an agnostic , I guess . I 'm not really sure .

  25. 洛克的不可知论因素及反形而上学倾向

    J.Locke 's Agnostic Factors and Anti-Metaphysics Tendency

  26. 一些人到东方的宗教中寻求精神上的启迪,而许多人则被看作是不可知论者。

    Some seek spiritual enlightenment in Eastern religions while many could be described as agnostic .

  27. 这令人着迷,说明骑墙派的不可知论者正选择一种非常愚蠢的方法。

    This is fascinating , suggesting that sit-on-the-fence agnostics are choosing a very foolish approach .

  28. 不可知论:我想屙狗屎。

    Agnosticism : I think shit happens .

  29. 我对对宗教是一个不可知论者。

    I am agnostic in religious matters .

  30. 但她说,对于这个目标是否能够实现,她持不可知论的态度。

    But she called herself an agnostic as to whether this could actually be achieved .