
  • 网络reusability;reusable;reuse
  1. 采用RationalROSE建模,保证系统的总体性和软件的可复用性。

    System uses Rational Rose to model , which ensures the general system and software reusability .

  2. 该研究从较高抽象层次保证了Web数据库应用软件的可复用性,并说明了设计模式在软件重用中的重要性。

    The research guarantees the reusability of Web-database application in a high abstract level and shows the importance of design patterns in software reuse .

  3. 一种提高微控制器IP可复用性的核内总线设计

    Design of SFR Bus for Reusable Microcontroller IP

  4. 基于MVC的Web服务器端软件框架能够有效的提高Web应用程序的可复用性。

    MVC design pattern based Web server-side software frameworks can improve the reuse of web application effectively .

  5. 一种UML类图的复杂性和可复用性度量方法

    A Complexity and Reuse Measure for UML Class Diagram

  6. EJB的设计是J2EE应用设计中的核心模块,它强调的是可复用性、可维护性、可移植性等。

    The design of EJB is the core module of J2EE application .

  7. SOA的优势在于其高度的可复用性、灵活性、可靠性和更好的可扩展性;

    SOA has the advantages of ( high - reusability ,) agility , reliability and expansibility .

  8. 基于组件的开发模式,增强了Web应用系统开发的可复用性,从而大大地缩短了开发周期和提高了开发效率。

    The component-based developing mode reinforced the reusable of Web application system development , so it can shorten development cycle and improve development efficiency greatly .

  9. 最后论文通过阵列感应井下仪平台验证了IP软核的可复用性。

    The paper introduces the " Induce Array Well Logging Device " to prove the reusability of Soft-IP cores lastly .

  10. 而CORBA构件模型的提出,促进了软件开发的可复用性。

    The CORBA component model facilitates the software reusing .

  11. 设计模式(DesignPatterns)因能提供相对对象更高层次的可复用性的优势而成为软件工程领域又一具有里程碑意义的软件开发新技术。

    Because of can provide the higher level of structure of opposite object , Design Patterns become the new technique having the milestone meaning in the software engineering realm .

  12. ◆采用MVC模式,提高系统的灵活性、可复用性和可维护性。

    ◆ Complete security system , flexibility , can reply using and maintainability .

  13. 在通用Web应用系统中,常采用多层体系结构和MVC设计模式来实现软件的模块化和可复用性。

    In common Web application system , multi-layer architecture and MVC design mode are adopted to realize software modularity and reusability .

  14. 关于提高CAPP系统可复用性的几点思考

    Reflections on Reusability of CAPP System

  15. 但对于软件的可复用性、可维护性、分布式计算结构、事物处理等却没有比较成熟的解决办法。对于一个大型的成功的能真正应用起来的WEB考试系统,这些都是必须的。

    But there is no good mature solution to the software reusability , maintenance , distributed numeration and transaction , which are essential for a large WEB examination system .

  16. 本文结合领域工程相关知识,对构件体系结构及构件可复用性进行了研究,并设计和实现了一个柔性ERP平台产品原型。

    This paper studies the software architecture , reusability of component , designed and implemented a flexible ERP platform prototype .

  17. 工作流管理系统采用面向组件的方法进行设计和实现,系统框架采用Spring轻量级架构,各组件分开实现,提高了组件的可复用性和整个系统的可扩展性。

    The WFMS is designed and implemented based on Component-Oriented ( CO ) method . System framework is designed with Spring , which is a light-weight framework .

  18. 传统CAPP系统开发模式面临严峻挑战。产品的多样化、企业的个性化决定了通用型CAPP系统不可能解决系统的可复用性问题,问题的关键在于如何建立一套可复用的CAPP系统开发机制。

    The diversification and individualization of CAPP requirements make the universal CAPP system unsuitable to resolve reusability of CAPP systems .

  19. Web服务已逐渐普及,其具体实现封装成黑盒,用户与服务及服务之间通过标准接口通讯,由此基于Web服务的系统具有强扩展性和可复用性。

    With the popular of Web services , the web application system has well extensibility and reusability because its implementation is encapsulated into black box , and users and services communicate with interfaces .

  20. 一种基于UCM的可复用性分析和构件提取方法

    Reusability Analysis and Component Extraction Method Based on UCM

  21. 最后,采用C语言设计了三层结构的设备风险等级评价系统,验证了该软件模型的有效性和可复用性。

    Finally , applying the language of C # , design evaluating system of equipments risk grade of a structure with three lays and validate the validity and the quality of reuse of this software model .

  22. 通过测试表明,Coral架构是一种可复用性高、效率高和性能稳定的应用程序架构。同时,运用Coral架构可以有效的提高应用程序的开发效率。

    Test results indicate that Coral is a high reusable 、 high efficient and stable application framework whilst using Coral to develop application can enhance application development efficiency effectively .

  23. 而且在设计网站时采用了CORBA技术,提高了软件系统的可复用性和效率,降低了系统的维护成本。

    The CORBA technology was adopted to design the website , which can help to improve the reuse capacity , the efficiency of software and to reduce the maintenance cost of the system .

  24. 为了增强通用性、可复用性、可扩展性和开放性,本文在分析了DCS领域特性和组态软件的基础上,提出了统一接口的多层构件体系结构。

    Based on the analysis of DCS domain and configuration software , this paper brings forward a multi-tier component architecture , which promotes the DCS configuration software to be more scalable , reusable and flexible .

  25. 嵌入式设计的特点有:RTL代码的可复用性、尽量不采用全定制设计方法来提高性能、一般不包括各种外围和接口等。

    The embedded design is characterized by the reusable RTL code , not adopting full custom design to improve performance and excluding various peripheries and interfaces , etc.

  26. 构件式GIS可以使GIS软件开发以类似工业产品的方式生产GIS构件,并采用构件组装的方式进行,使GIS软件的质量、一致性、可复用性、可维护性等都将得到很大的提高。

    Component GIS make it is possible that the development of GIS software is the same way as the method of industry-produce . The method of setup GIS components can effectively improve the GIS software 's quality , consistency , reuse , and maintenance .

  27. 契约式设计DBC是面向对象程序设计的一项技术,其目的在于提高软件的质量、可靠性与可复用性。

    Design by Contract ( DBC ) is a technique in object-oriented software design whose goal is to ensure software quality , reliability , and reusability .

  28. 提出并实现了一种基于xml表单的多种灾害数据采集方法。依此方法开发的移动端软件达到了一定程度的可复用性,能够适应不同类型的灾害数据采集需求。

    Put forward and implementing a xml form based common disasters data collecting technology , Based on this technical method , developed the mobile terminal software can adapt the needs of different types of disaster data collection , which possesses software reusability to a certain extent . 3 .

  29. 其中有若干环节还使用了一些设计模式,如Observer模式和Adapter模式等。设计模式的应用解决了某些设计问题,同时也使得本系统的面向对象设计更具有抽象性、规范性和可复用性。

    Furthermore , design patterns , such as Observer and Adapter , are extensively used in the system not only to solve the design problems , but also to make the design of the system abstract , standard and reusable .

  30. 目前高性价比DDRⅡ、DDRⅢ存储器已得到越来越广泛的应用,而作为其控制器的IP核以其灵活的适应性、高可靠性、良好的可复用性将成为存储器控制设计的主流。

    The current cost-effective DDR ⅱ, DDR ⅲ memory has been widely used . The IP core , as a controller , has flexible adaptability , high reliability and good reusability and will become the mainstream of memory controller design .