
jiào shuǐ
  • ask for water to drink
  1. 他使水从磐石涌出,叫水如江河下流。

    He brought streams also out of the rock , and caused waters to run down like rivers .

  2. 他将海分裂,使他们过去。又叫水立起如垒。

    He divided the sea and led them through ; he made the water stand firm like a wall .

  3. 我不知道该怎样做;我的心非常痛苦;但是我愿意等候祢来叫水分开,使敌溃退。

    I know not what to do ; I am brought to extremities ; but I will wait until Thou shalt cleave the floods , or drive back my foes .

  4. 耶和华对摩西说,你向海伸杖,叫水仍合在埃及人并他们的车辆,马兵身上。

    And the LORD said unto moses , stretch out thine hand over the sea , that the waters may come again upon the egyptians , upon their chariots , and upon their horsemen .

  5. 古人管急速流淌的河水都叫白水。

    Ancient people called a torrential river a white river .

  6. 我知道您已经叫过水了。

    I see you 've already got some water .

  7. 男士香水是一种新时尚,这些香水叫古龙水。

    It 's the new fashion for men to wear perfumes , which is called cologne .

  8. 我们管这叫矿泉水。

    We call this mineral water .

  9. 而她的名字叫乌水苏拉[21]。

    And her name is Ursula .

  10. 凡不能见火的,你们要叫它过水。

    And whatever cannot withstand fire must be put through that water .

  11. 谷歌举出的这个发明叫“河马水滚筒”。

    This invention of cereal song adduce cries " hippo water platen " .

  12. 祖母抬起头,象一只非常口渴的老雌火鸡叫着要水喝。

    The grandmother raised her head like a parched old turkey hen crying for water .

  13. 他叫它消毒水!

    He calls it the dip !

  14. 他叫埃及的水变为血,叫他们的鱼死了。

    At his word their waters were turned to blood , and he sent death on all their fish .

  15. 严新芝,山西省会太原市朝阳街居委会主任委员会主任,会在半夜敲每个家庭的门叫人收集水;

    Yan Xinzhi , director of the neighborhood committee of Chaoyang Street , Taiyuan , capital of Shanxi Province , would knock at the door of every household at midnight to have people collect water ;

  16. 每当呱呱叫的时候,水蜗牛殷勤般地听着,水甲虫总是跟在它的身后。

    When he croaked , the water snails listened politely , and the water beetles always swam behind him .

  17. 可是你能叫一个在水里挣扎的人在离岸只有一臂之远的时候休息一下吗!

    But you might as well bid a man struggling in the water rest within arm 's length of the shore !

  18. 又要从素祭中取出一把,作为这事的纪念,烧在坛上,然后叫妇人喝这水。

    And the priest shall take an handful of the offering , even the memorial thereof , and burn it upon the altar , and afterward shall cause the woman to drink the water .

  19. 这二人有权柄,在他们传道的日子叫天闭塞不下雨,叫水变为血。并且能随时随意用各样的灾殃攻击世界。

    These have power to shut heaven , that it rain not in the days of their prophecy : and have power over waters to turn them to blood , and to smite the earth with all plagues , as often as they will .