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  1. 在我浓密的树枝间筑巢、叫叫。

    Make the nest among the branch Pipe .

  2. 只是想叫叫你的名字而已。

    Just wanted to call your name .

  3. 我来叫叫她!

    I will call her !

  4. 其实这些野兽只是自己叫叫而已,对破屋里的旅客,并不表示什么敌意。

    The more formidable beasts made no cries or hostile demonstration against the occupants of the bungalow .

  5. 最重要的,也是故事中的英雄叫叫孙悟空或孙猴子。

    The most important , and the hero of the story , is Sun Wu-kong or Monkey .

  6. 他往这条路上跑,一定跳进这花园的墙里去了。好茂丘西奥,你叫叫他吧。

    He ran this way , and leap 'd this orchard wall : call , good mercutio .

  7. 英国男子安德鲁·戴维斯为了吸引公众注意,数次故意横躺在马路上,佯装受伤,希望路过的车辆驾驶员给他叫叫救护车。结果他被判处了反社会行为罪。

    Attention-seeking Andrew Davies was given the anti-social behaviour order after he took to lying in the road and feigning injuries - all to dupe passing motorists into calling him an ambulance .

  8. 我以为有一屋子小孩叫叫嚷嚷的人应当是我,凯瑟琳则是独自一人过日子,晚上一个人躺在床上读书。

    I thought it would be me who would end up with a houseful of muddy boots and hollering kids , while Catherine would be living by herself , a solo act , reading alone at night in her bed .

  9. 伯尼对莫里斯说,“你们夫妻俩真够亲密的,结婚这么多年了,你还叫她叫得那么亲密。”莫里斯低下头,小声地对伯尼说,“老实跟你说吧,三年前我忘记老婆的真名是什么了。”

    Morris , the host , preceded , " To tell the truth , I forgot her name three years ago . "

  10. 我想像不了你叫别人叫统帅。

    I can not picture you call anyone call chief .

  11. 就这样?你叫这种叫吵架?

    That 's it ? You call that a fight ?

  12. 爆炸莎莉叫弗拉士叫大家都叫

    Explosion . Sally scream . Flash scream . Everybody scream

  13. 我不知道这叫不叫懦弱

    I don 't know whether to call it cowardice ...

  14. 他叫他叫贝利

    He 's uh he 's Bailey Bailey yeah Bailey

  15. 狗并不知道如果你叫它叫错名字。

    Dogs don 't notice if you call them by another dog 's name .

  16. 鹦鹉尖声叫了叫飞走了。

    The parrot squawked and flew away .

  17. 他不叫不叫佩德罗。

    His name wasn 't pedro .

  18. 我都在寻找叫这个叫埃普丽尔的女孩

    searching for this April girl .

  19. 你承诺将来会给对方一笔钱,这不叫负债叫什么?

    If a promise to pay someone money in the future isn 't a debt , what is it ?

  20. 它在西北边,要穿过一个叫,叫什么来着,卡文大街。你知道吗?我想她知道在哪儿?

    It 's on the northwestern side of town across * ah , what is that , ah , Culver street , you know ? I think she knows where it is .

  21. 商务部经济分析局局长兰德菲尔德对国会由两党成员组成的联合经济委员会说,不管叫不叫衰退,经济目前是急剧下滑。

    Appearing before the bipartisan Joint Economic Committee , J. Steven Landefeld , Director of the Bureau of Economic Analysis , says whether it 's called a recession or not , the economy is in a dramatic slowdown :

  22. 狗坐在那里,叫都没叫一声。

    The dogs sat there without even a woof

  23. 他叫了又叫,但没有人来帮忙。

    He called and called but no one came to his assistance .

  24. 她叫了又叫,但没有人来帮。

    She called and called but no one came to her assistance .

  25. 它叫LaDecolette叫LaDecollette吗是的你喜欢吗

    It is called the La Decolette.La Decollette ? Yeah , don 't you like it ?

  26. 方庭不叫quad而叫lawn

    Instead of a quad , you call it a lawn

  27. 嗨我叫Darlene你叫什么?Chris

    Hi . I 'm Darlene . What 's your name ? I 'm Chris .

  28. 你可以叫我Willy叫我Belly叫我Chilly要不就叫你刚说的Will

    You . Are Will.I.Am Will you call me willy , you call me billy , you call me chily.or did you call me Will

  29. 这款猫语项圈是由伦敦adam&eveDDB广告公司给猫零食品牌Temptations研发的,里面预置了猫语词典,包括呜呜叫、喵喵叫和其它一些语音,使翻译尽可能准确。

    Developed by London ad agency adam & eveDDB , for Temptations cat treats , the invention comes preloaded with a dictionary of cat purrs , meows , and several other sounds to make the interpretation as accurate as possible .

  30. 刀砍在背上,我们叫都不叫。

    We don 't even squeai with knives in our backs .