
gǔ cí
  • Ancient porcelain;old china
古瓷[gǔ cí]
  1. 仿宋瓷的胎和釉的微量元素Zn含量则明显高于古瓷Zn元素含量。

    The microelement Zn values of porcelain glaze and body of replica are also higher than that of celadon .

  2. 本文采用同步辐射X荧光对浙江寺龙口越窑的80块古瓷样品进行了分析,样品中V、Ni、Zn和Mn具有一定的年代变化规律性。

    Elements of eighty ancient celadon samples were analyzed by using synchrotron radiation X-ray fluorescence ( SRXRF ) . V , Ni , Zn and Mn display variable dynastic orderliness .

  3. Matlab与VC结合,开发了基于数字图像特征的古瓷碎片分类原型系统,为古瓷碎片的自动分类提供了辅助平台。

    Combing Matlab with Vc , an ancient shards classification prototype system based on the characteristics of digital image is developed as a assistant platform for automatic classification of ancient porcelain .

  4. 中子活化分析法测定古瓷参考物质

    Determination of ancient ceramics reference material by neutron activation analysis

  5. 他收藏了一批有趣的古瓷。

    He has formed an interesting collection of ancient pottery .

  6. 耀州窑遗址粘土及其古瓷的初步研究

    A study on clay and ancient celadon of Yaozhou Kiln

  7. 浙江部分古瓷胎稀土元素分布特征的研究

    Distribution characteristics of rare earth elements in some ancient porcelain bodies in Zhejiang Province

  8. 定窑古瓷中的微量元素

    Trace Elements in Ancient Porcelain of Ding Kiln

  9. 几种古瓷釉的受热行为

    The heating behaviour of several ancient glazes

  10. 基于数字图像特征的古瓷片分类研究

    Research on the Classification of Ancient Porcelain Shards Based on the Feature of Digital Image

  11. 古瓷修复之谜

    The secret of repairing ancient porcelains

  12. 系统聚类分析方法在景德镇古瓷研究中的应用

    An Application of Clustering Analysis in Studying Ancient Jingdezhen Porcelain Bodies Porcelain Capital of China & Jingde Town

  13. 青瓷之恋的宗旨是打造中国古瓷首饰第一品牌。

    In recognition of this motto , Porcelain Love is dedicated to be the best brand of Antique Porcelain Jewellery .

  14. 江西湖田窑古瓷中微量元素的研究,一直是中国古陶瓷研究中的空白。

    The study of trace elements in the ancient porcelain of HuTian kiln is not available in that of Chinese ancient porcelain .

  15. 结果表明,北宋早期和北宋晚期古瓷胎料的化学成分相近;

    The results of multivariable statistical analysis show that the chemical compositions of porcelain body of the Northern Song Dynasty are similar ;

  16. 其成因条件则是由各地特殊的原料组成、釉中富足的铁分、古瓷窑的结构形式及当时社会风尚的需求所决定。

    Besides , the forming conditions depends on the definite materials , kilns in different districts and rich iron in the glaze etc.

  17. 走到房子里面,到处都是用古瓷贴成的古瓷壁画,而且,每幅画都有一个美好的祝福。

    Inside the house are many reliefs made up with ancient porcelain chips and each of them represents a different beautiful wish .

  18. 其结果表明,古瓷釉和仿宋瓷釉的RO/SiO2比值具有明显差异。

    The results indicated that it has a clear difference on the values of RO / SiO 2 between celadon and its replica .

  19. 这种釉是目前已发现的中国古瓷分相釉中时代最早的一种,而且其胎质也是上乘的。

    This kind of glaze is the earliest one of the ancient Chinese phase-separation glazes ever found , and its body quality is also superior .

  20. 走进“瓷房子”的入口,有一条长760多米的巨型“瓷龙”,它是用数十万片古瓷片镶嵌而成的。

    At the entrance of the " china house " is a760-meter-long huge " china dragon " formed with over hundreds of thousands of ancient porcelain chips .

  21. 这种结合,一改以往古瓷只在收藏爱好者圈内流动的局面,面向了上亿人的首饰消费市场。

    Porcelain Love 's creation totally changes antique ancient porcelain chip only be collected and cherished within collector circle , but open the window to the whole jewellery fashion market .

  22. 瓷胎中微量元素的含量有着明显的地方特征,为古瓷的研究提供了有用的实验数据。

    Based on the contents of the trace elements , the local characteristics of Jun ware have been found , providing a lot of experimental data to the study on ancient ceramics .

  23. 本文介绍铁锈斑建盏的仿制工艺与古瓷铁锈斑区域的理化分析结果,探讨铁锈斑斑纹的形成条件。

    The imitation technology of rust-colored spot ware of Jian Yao , physico-chemi cal analysis of the spot in ancient porcelain , and formation condition of the spot were reported in this paper .

  24. 这里就好像是一个古瓷组成的童话迷宫,就连屋顶、墙壁和楼梯扶手也几乎全是用瓷片做成的,让人充满了惊喜和好奇。

    The whole place looks like a maze of fairy tales made up of porcelains , and even the roofs , walls and stair rails are almost covered with china chips , full of pleasant surprise and novelty .

  25. 应用对应因子分析技术分析了景德镇历代瓷胎化学成分数据,结果表明,景德镇古瓷胎配方演变过程可分为三个阶段,即五代十国和宋代为第一阶段;

    Correspondence analysis is used in the study of the chemical composition of Jingde-zhen porcelain bodies of various dynasties . The results are as follows : The evolution process for Jingdezhen porcelain bodies can be divided into three stages .