
kǒu àn
  • port;seaport;entry port;river port;embankment
口岸 [kǒu àn]
  • (1) [port]∶对外通商的港口,也泛指两国边境设立的过境或贸易的地点

  • 通商口岸

  • (2) [embankment]∶堤岸

  • 邻省水涨,洪泽湖倒灌,上段口岸冲决,我可有什么法子呢?--《儿女英雄传》

口岸[kǒu àn]
  1. 出入境人员应接受口岸检察机关的查验。

    All those entering and leaving the country shall submit to inspection at the port .

  2. 第十一条从事国际航行的航空器或者船舶抵达中国口岸时,机长、船长或者代理人必须向过防检查机关提交旅客名单;

    Article 11 When an aircraft or a vessel international routes arrives at a Chinese port , the captain or his agent must submit a passenger name list to the frontier inspection office ;

  3. 截至1月13日24时,全国口岸环节已预防性消毒进口冷链食品外包装1317万件。

    By Wednesday , the outer packagings of 13.17 million products had been disinfected at ports across the country .

  4. 海关总署对检出阳性的境外食品生产企业实施暂停其产品进口申报一周到四周的紧急预防性措施。在口岸环节开展预防性消毒工作

    As part of emergency preventive measures , the GAC suspends import declarations of foreign food makers whose products test positive for one to four weeks .

  5. 外国的交通工具入境、出境、边境,必须从对外国人开放的或者指定的口岸通行,接受过防检查机关的检查和监护。

    For entry , exit and transit , foreign-owned means of transport must pass through ports open to aliens or other designated ports and must be subject to inspection and supervision by the frontier inspection offices .

  6. 国内中高风险地区及全域实行封闭管理的人员,原则上不能进京。国内其他口岸入境人员满21天方可进京。

    Entry to the Chinese capital will be declined for those from domestic medium and high-risk and lockdown areas , while inbound travelers entering the Chinese mainland via other cities must wait for 21 days before visiting Beijing .

  7. 福建口岸应对加入WTO的发展对策

    Entry into WTO and the Development Policy of Fujian 's Trading Ports

  8. HIV抗体检测替代策略Ⅲ在江西口岸的应用

    Application of Alternative Strategy ⅲ in HIV Antibody Test at Jiangxi Port

  9. 瑞丽口岸出入境缅甸籍卡车司机中HIV新感染情况的调查

    Study on the New HIV-infection among Truck Drivers Entry-exit Burma at Ruili Port

  10. 上海口岸1992-2000年HIV感染者监测结果分析

    Analysis of HIV Surveillance Data in the Shanghai Port from 1992 to 2000

  11. 南宁口岸1988~2001年出入境入员HIV监测结果分析

    An analysis of the surveillance result of HIV in Nanning port during 1988 ~ 2001

  12. 新疆口岸出入境人群中230例HIV感染者的流行病学调查分析

    Epidemiological survey of 230 cases of HIV infection among entry-exit personnel at the Xinjiang Port

  13. 建立起港口岸线等级评价的多层次综合评价指标体系后,基于简化的层次分析法(AHP法),确定港口岸线等级评价模型的判定因素和评价指标的权重。

    Based on the predigested AHP , port shoreline grade evaluation model can be setup .

  14. 天津口岸1999~2004年3月出入境人员HIV感染监测结果分析

    An analysis on surveillance report of HIV infection in entry and exit persons in Tianjin Port , 1999 ~ 2004,3

  15. 本文应用ELISA方法检测从厦门口岸进境的斑节对虾携带杆状病毒情况。

    The ELISA was used for the detection of import Penaeus mondon ( P.mondon ) carried baculovirus in Xiamen .

  16. 开平三埠口岸应对甲型H1N1流感的防控措施

    The Countermeasures of Prevention and Control the the Type A H1N1 Flu at Sanbu Ports in Kaiping

  17. 通过对福建口岸现状及其不能完全适应加入WTO之竞争态势若干方面的分析,提出了福建口岸应对加入WTO的发展对策。

    This paper provides an analysis on the situation of Fujian ports and its unadaptive to the coming competitive situation with China 's entry into WTO , and puts forward some policy implications .

  18. GIS应用于港口规划建设与土地管理,通过GIS的开发应用,逐步实现相应管理工作的自动化和图形管理,规范业务工作流程,为电子口岸的建设提供物理空间的数据平台。

    It can be applied to harbor planning and development and land-use management , realizing port and logistics management automation and process normalization . GIS can be the technical platform to build digital port as a spatial information infrastructure .

  19. 最后对商业零售口岸选址的六个步骤(GCRIES)进行了探讨。

    Finally , a study of the six steps ( GCRIES ) of BRLC is referred .

  20. 通过构建大连出口加工区电子商务及EDI平台,为大连出口加工区乃至大连口岸的相关企业从事集装箱运输及物流业务操作提供单证报文传输与交换服务、提供物流领域电子商务信息;

    By constructing the EPZ E-business and the EDI operation platform , we can offer document transmission and service exchange and provide E-business information in logistics field to enterprises concerned engaged in container transportation and logistic service in areas from EPZ to port of Dalian .

  21. 文章在充分探讨EDI在集装箱运输发展中地位和作用的基础上,深入分析了大连口岸集装箱运输EDI系统的发展现状及存在的主要问题,最后提出了大连口岸集装箱运输EDI系统建设的主要措施。

    This article , on the basis of probing into the importance of EDI in container transportation , analyzes the present situation and problems of EDI in Dalian port . Finally , this article puts forward measures on how to set up the EDI system of container transportation in Dalian .

  22. 国境口岸梅毒血清学检测程序标准化探讨

    Standardization of Syphilis Serological Test Process for Health Quarantine at Port

  23. 青岛口岸进口大宗粮食情况分析

    An Analysis on Large Quantities of Import Grains in Qingdao Port

  24. 惠东口岸进口废物原料放射性监测情况调查

    Investigation on the status of radioactivity inspection for import scrap material

  25. 广西对越边贸口岸的空间分析

    A Spatial analysis of boundary trade port of Guangxi to Vietnam

  26. 广州口岸与美国对华贸易的缘起

    The Guangzhou Port and the Origins of American Trade with China

  27. 部分口岸进口原油质量分析与评价

    Quality analysis and appraise of imported crude oils from some ports

  28. 不求规模但求风格&建设中俄文化交融的边境口岸城市

    Construct Border Port City of Culture Communication between China and Russia

  29. 加强口岸检验检疫人员安全防护势在必行

    Necessity to strengthen the safe protection of inspection and quarantine personnel

  30. 1995~1997年青岛口岸急性腹泻病监测报告

    Investigation on Acute Diarrhea in Qingdao Port During 1995 ~ 1997