
xù shù zhě
  • narrator
  1. 这部小说有一个全知全能的叙述者。

    The novel has an omniscient narrator .

  2. 他们发现叙述者只是一味地嘲讽。

    They find only irony in the narrator 's concern

  3. 故事的叙述者是位年近四十的女演员。

    The story 's narrator is an actress in her late thirties .

  4. b叙述者的处理&包括叙述者的隐退、叙述视角的限制和元叙事等;

    B , the skills of the narrator which include the absence of narrator , the limitation of narrator 's view and Meta-narrative ;

  5. 她尤其被书中的叙述者李欧医生(DrRieux)的自白所打动:他之所以能坚持下去,是因为他始终不习惯看到人们死去。

    She was particularly struck by the narrator Dr Rieux 's statement that he keeps going because he has never managed to get used to seeing people die .

  6. 万能的叙述者就这样,富有说服力的出现了,同时在我们分析Haze的时候,给我们带来了问题,让我们去想这个角色到底是谁,他在哪里发现自己。

    Now this is where the omniscient narrator comes in quite forcefully , and gives us something to work on as we analyze Haze and we think about who he is as a character and where he finds himself .

  7. 玩笑使叙述者和听众之间建立了一种亲密关系。

    Jokes establish an intimacy between the teller and the hearer .

  8. 真正的叙述者应为叙述自我,而且是可靠的。

    The real and reliable narrator should be the narrative ego .

  9. 不可靠的叙述者:《喧哗与骚动》中的杰生

    Jason as an Unreliable Narrator in The Sound and the Fury

  10. 你们可能已经注意到了,我称叙述者为“他们”。

    You may have noticed that I called the narrator'they ' .

  11. 如何邀请到库萨克来做叙述者的?

    How did John Cusack come to be your uncredited narrator ?

  12. 论《黑暗的心脏》中的叙述层次和叙述者

    On the Narrative Levels and Narrators of The Heart of Darkness

  13. 然而我是叙述者,他却不是叙述者,因而,叙述人称的概念是不周延、不确切的。

    So the concept of narrative person proved to be inaccurate .

  14. 现代家族故事的生成机制与叙述者的设置、叙事动力的输入密切相关。

    The latter is closely related with narrators and narrative impetus .

  15. 本文的第一部分对李洱小说的叙述者进行了研究。

    The first part of the paper works over the narrator .

  16. 论小说叙述者和叙述对象的五种关系

    Five Relations Between the Narrator and the Narrated Object in Novels

  17. 东乡族民间故事类型与女性叙事研究沟通民间的叙事策略&论乡土叙述者文学史意义

    The Study on the History-type and Female Narrative of Dongxiangs Folk-story

  18. 唐传奇梦幻小说因其叙述者的不同而形成姿彩各异的叙事视角。

    The narrative viewpoint of the dreamlike novels can be divided i.

  19. 论鲁迅小说的叙述者干预

    The Intervention of the Narrator in Lu Xun 's Short Stories

  20. 论《黑暗的心》中叙述者马洛的作用

    On the narrator Marlow ′ s functions in Heart of Darkness

  21. 库切在创作的过程中,从不吝惜让不同的叙述者表达各自的观点。

    Coetzee always let the narrators in his novels express themselves freely .

  22. 宋元小说叙述者的意识形态:情爱与政治

    The Ideology of Song-Yuan Fictional Narrators : Love and Politics

  23. 本文从叙述者、对话、心理描写三个方面对白先勇的女性叙事策略进行了分析。

    The essay will analyze from narrators , dialogues and psychological description .

  24. 第二、小说的叙述者我拥有经验的和现在的两个叙述视角。

    Secondly , this narrator I possessed two narrative perspectives .

  25. 论1950&1960年中国文学中的知识分子叙述者

    On the intellectual narrators of Chinese literature in the 1950s-1960s

  26. 那么你就是那位要跟我说有关叙述者的先生。

    So you 're the gentieman who called me about the narrator .

  27. 但是,全知叙述者批判了代助的自我中心主义。

    Yet the omniscient narrator criticizes the egoism of Daisuke .

  28. 叙述者在说与不说之间对小说人物进行了选择和批判。

    Narrator selects and criticize the characters between writing and not writing .

  29. 隐含作者与叙述者的问题导致无名的声音。

    And the implied author and narrator lead to the anonymous voice .

  30. 第三人称叙事的形式叙述者限定

    Restrictions for the Formal Narrator in the Third Person Narration