
  • 网络Change of labor contract;Change the Labour Contract
  1. 诺基亚需与职工协商变更劳动合同内容。

    Nokia needs to negotiate with employees about changing labor contract content .

  2. 在用人单位单方变更劳动合同的法律后果上,笔者根据用人单位依法、违法单方变更劳动合同两种不同情形,分别明确其法律后果。

    For legal consequences of unilaterally changing the labor contract , the author of the essay will clarify its legal and illegal consequences .

  3. 订立或者变更劳动合同时,未告知劳动者职业病危害真实情况的;

    Fail to inform the laborers of the true effect of the occupational , - disease-inductive factors at conclusion or modification of labor contracts ;

  4. 变更劳动合同需经双方协商同意,并办理劳动合同变更手续。

    Modification of a labour contract shall be implemented through consultation and agreement of the parts involved , procedures for the modification shall be undertaken .

  5. 诺基亚应当按照此流程与员工协商变更劳动合同,如员工同意,则变更劳动合同内容;

    Nokia should consult with the staff to change the labor contract according to this process , if such employee agrees , change the labor contract content ;

  6. 以欺诈、胁迫的手段或者乘人之危,使对方在违背真实意思的情况下订立或者变更劳动合同的;

    One party uses such means as fraud , coercion or taking advantage of the other party 's unfavorable position to sign the labor contract against his or her genuine will ;

  7. 劳动合同签订时所依据的客观情况发生重大变化,致使原劳动合同无法履行,应变更劳动合同。

    The labor contract should be changed if the objective conditions on which the labor contract is based change so significantly that the original labor contract can not be carried out .

  8. 除此之外,应赋予受欺诈方撤销或变更劳动合同、追究过错方违约责任的选择权。

    In addition , the law should give the part which cheated by the other part some option rights to repeal or modify the contract and to ask them afford the responsibility of breach of contract .

  9. 总体来说,英美法比较注重契约严守的精神,而日本等地承认用人单位享有单方变更劳动合同的权利,但要受到一些必要的限制。

    In generally , common law pays more attention to the spirit of " complying with contract strictly ", while Japan recognizes the employer have the rights to unilaterally alter the employment contract , but should be subject to the necessary restrictions .

  10. 劳动合同有效订立后尚未履行完毕前,有时需要通过劳动合同变更使劳动合同适应客观情况的变化。

    Sometimes the modification of labor contract is needed to adapt to the modification of objective conditions after we sign it but has not performed it .

  11. 2为了实现实质公平,立法设立单方可变更、可撤销劳动合同制度;

    Achieving changeable and removable labour contrast law so as to accomplish particular fairness .