
biàn kǒu
  • dialectal switching
变口[biàn kǒu]
  1. 变唇口加板模拟总压畸变流场

    Method of the combination of varying - lip and plate simulating total pressure distorted flow field

  2. 变唇口加杆可模拟具有中心高压区且周向畸变较小的总压分布。

    The contour map of small circumferential total pressure distortion with high pressure area at centre can be simulated by the method of the combination of lip and rod .

  3. 大河河海划界不能简单地把河流入海由窄变宽的口门断面作为河海分界线。

    As for the determination of the boundary between the Zhujiang River and the sea , the river mouth cross section , which is changing from narrowness to broadness while the river running into the sea , can not be regarded as the boundary line .

  4. 随着入口压力的增大,液流速度变快,节流口处的最小压强变小,进而容易产生气穴、漩涡等现象。

    As inlet pressure increases , the flow speed becomes faster , smaller the minimum pressure near orifice becomes small , and thus prone to the phenomenon of cavitation , whirlpool .

  5. 胜利油田自二十世纪七十年代初全面投入开发以来,截止到2002年底,已累计油水井套变井为2539口,严重制约了油田的发展。

    The total number of casing deformation wells in Shengli oil field has reached 2539 at the end of 2002 since Shengli oil field entered into comprehensive production in 1970 , which greatly restricted its development .