
  1. 分析师表示,IPO发行数量可能令投资者感到疲劳。

    Analysts say the number of offerings may have induced buyer fatigue .

  2. 不过,相比之下,发达国家企业的ipo发行数量则下降了65%。

    However , this compares with a fall of 65 per cent in IPO issuance of companies based in the developed world .

  3. 第二季度,新兴市场IPO发行数量较去年同期下降45%。

    The number of emerging market IPO issuance fell 45 per cent in the second quarter compared with the same period last year .

  4. 股份回购可以通过减少资产负债表上的现金和股票发行数量,来增加投资者的回报。美国SteelPartners等维权活跃分子基金普遍要求公司进行股份回购。

    Buy-backs , which can increase returns for investors by reducing cash on the balance sheet and cutting the number of shares in issue , are a common demand of activist funds , such as Steel Partners of the US .

  5. 但是,世纪佳缘尚未透露IPO发行数量和发行价格。公司将募集资金用于偿付优先股股东的未支付红利和一般性公司用途。

    Has not revealed its IPO size and price range in the prospectus , saying that financed capitals will be used to pay dividends to preferred shareholders and for general purpose .

  6. 用纸张制作印刷的货币成本很小,很容易造成发行数量的扩张。

    Paper-printed and issued monetary costs little , and is easy to cause the expansion of the number issued .

  7. 随着我国报纸发行数量的增多和印刷彩色化,报纸印刷存在印力不足问题,解决方法之一是提高设备有效利用率,提高报纸印刷生产效率。

    With the increase of newspaper 's circulation in our country , the productivity of newspaper printing became deficiency .

  8. 不过,2009年新股发行数量可能从2008年的49只下降至35只。

    However , the number of new listings is likely to slip to 35 in 2009 , down from 49 in 2008 .

  9. 预计中国内地新股发行数量今年将占亚太地区(包括日本)的65%左右。

    The mainland is forecast to account for about 65 per cent of new issuance in Asia-Pacific , including Japan , this year .

  10. 股票发行数量的核定并不意味着资产的存在,也不能给公司带来任何资本。

    Mere authorization of a stock issue does not bring an asset into existence , nor does it give the corporation any capital .

  11. 而这也是前所未有的,正如苹果首席执行官提姆库克所言,这是苹果有史以来发行数量最多的专辑。

    So there it is , in the books . The largest album release of all time , according to Apple CEO Tim Cook .

  12. 近年来,中国股市发展滞后,整体而言缺乏活力,主要受新股发行数量过多以及中国经济增速放缓拖累。

    In recent years , China 's stock markets have lagged and generally been sluggish , plagued by too many offerings and a slowing Chinese economy .

  13. 因此,未来国债发行数量应该适当控制,要与国民经济的增长速度和财政收支规模增长相协调。

    Hence , the coming issuance should be limited appropriately to match the growth pace of national economy and the growth of the scale of fiscal balance .

  14. 股票发行数量、价格、时机选择及股利分配不当是造成股票筹资风险的因素。

    Those , amount and price of stock , its selection of time , improper distrubition of stock dividend , are factors which cause stock financing risk .

  15. 几年中,我独自运作这个中心,授课、举行会议、并出一份每月通讯,发行数量逐步增长。

    For several years , I operated the Center by myself , offering classes , holding meetings , and putting out a monthly newsletter that gradually increased in circulation .

  16. 在1998年之前,配股是主要的再融资方式,然而现在增发不论在发行数量还是在发行规模上都是最重要的再融资方式。

    Prior to 1998 , rights offering are the main refinancing method . However , currently , share placing became most popular considering both number of issues and scale .

  17. 反映公司财务状况和经营成果的因子指标,股票发行数量,行业特征因素对于样本公司新股发行定价的确定具有较为重要的影响;

    Some important factors that affecting sample companies IPO pricing include : company financial strength and operational feature indices , number of new shares issued , and industry characteristic .

  18. 如果发行数量缩减得太厉害,市场可能变得太小,使得这个复杂的资产类别失去投资价值。

    If the volume of outstanding deals shrinks too far , the market may become too small to justify the effort required to invest in this complex asset class .

  19. 它们还减少了电影的发行数量:去年好莱坞出产的电影数量是520部,几乎比上一年下降了20%。

    They are also releasing fewer movies : the number coming out of Hollywood last year was 520 , a fall of almost 20 per cent on the previous year .

  20. 一些市场人士担心欧洲央行将很难购买到所需数量的债券,因为主要的欧元区国家政府债券发行数量不足。

    Some market players have voiced concerns the ECB would struggle to buy bonds in the amounts needed because of a lack of issuance of debt by major eurozone governments .

  21. 沙阿表示,这些运动鞋的魅力在于,它们都是耐克限量版的款式&只在特定时间发售、不会再做的款式,而且发行数量有限。

    Shah says the trainers ' appeal lies in the fact they are each part of a Nike limited edition release – a time-specific , never-made-again design issued in restricted numbers .

  22. 自从在1985年被介绍进来,信用卡在中国的发行数量以惊人的速度增长,在2011年达到2.85亿,这一数字是2006年的5倍。

    Since being introduced in 1985 , the number of credit cards issued in China has grown at an astonishing rate , reaching 285 million in 2011 , five times the number in 2006 .

  23. 前者监管主要针对证券发行数量、税收和利率的限制,后者监管主要集中在证券入市审批和证券交易管理,两者中应以东道国法律监管为主。

    The former mainly directs to issuance quantity , taxation and the interest rate of securities , while the latter focuses on the examination and approval of listing of securities and regulation for securities transactions .

  24. 综合性文艺期刊的发行数量远远高于综合性科技期刊的发行数量,这几乎成为一种思维定势。

    The issued copies of comprehensive literature and art journals are far more than those of scientific journals , and this fact almost leads to a thinking habit in the field of editoring and publishing .

  25. 美国政府科技报告的调查分析&关于近几年来发行数量减少问题船舶科技报告工作八五回顾与九五设想

    Investigation on US Government Scientific and Technical Report Review of ship scientific and technical report work in the period of the Eighth Five-Year Plan and its conception in the period of the Ninth Five-Year Plan

  26. 从银监会公布的数据来看,房地产信托发行数量从2004年开始连续两年在所有的信托产品中从融资金额到发行数量上都排名前两位。

    From the data announced by the China Banking Regulatory Commission , the real estate trust issue quantity in all trust product of the financing amount and release quantity was in the first two place started continuously for two years from 2004 .

  27. 近几年国家和企业对其越来越重视,我国企业债券市场有了很大的发展,其发行数量逐年上升,甚至超过了国债的发行数量,但是其市场份额相比较于国债还是较少。

    In recent years the enterprise bond market development fast , the number of issued bond is rising year by year , and even more than the number of the national debt , but its market share is still less than the national debt .

  28. 安永表示,回家的中国企业发行数量下降的影响,将被红筹公司在上海的发行所抵消。红筹公司是指在港上市、但是在海外注册的内地公司,它们尚未获准在内地上市。

    E & Y said the fall in the number of returning home Chinese offerings would be offset by the listing in Shanghai of red chips , Hong Kong-listed companies based on the mainland but incorporated overseas that have not yet been allowed to list domestically .

  29. 近年来,信用卡市场的竞争日益激烈,各大商业银行纷纷将目标群体拓展到大学生市场,希望能够培养其日后的潜在客户,因此大学生信用卡的发行数量迅速膨胀。

    In recent years , the credit card market is becoming more competitive , major commercial banks have to expand the target group to the college students , hope to be able to develop their potential customers , therefore the number of college students credit cards is rapid expansion .

  30. 他们发行一定数量的可公开交易的股票。

    They issue a fixed number of shares that trade publicly