
  • 网络Power generation enterprises;power plants;independent power producer
  1. 电力市场下独立发电企业机组启停决策与组合规划研究

    Unit Commitment of Independent Power Producer in Electricity Market

  2. 为此介绍了高压厂用电接线方式设计改进的可行性及其能为独立发电企业所带来的经济效益和此接线方式的发展前景。

    The feasibility of design improvement on connection mode of high voltage service power supply , potential economic benefits of the improvement to the independent power producer and the prospect of the connection mode are elaborated .

  3. 厂级监控信息系统(SupervisoryInformationSystem,SIS)是发电企业信息化建设的重要组成部分。

    Supervisory Information System ( SIS ) is an important part of the information construction in power plant .

  4. MSproject2002系列在发电企业大修管理中的应用

    Application of MS Project 2002 Series in the Overhaul of the Electricity Enterprise

  5. 软件总线技术在发电企业ERP中的应用与研究

    The Application and Research of Soft-Bus Technology in Power Plant 's ERP System

  6. 基于J2EE平台的发电企业成本分析与商业化运营系统

    Cost analysis and economic operation system of electric power enterprises based on J2EE

  7. 发电企业DCS系统人机界面设计原则研究

    Design Principle Study on Man-machine Interface for DCS System in Power Generating Enterprises

  8. 基于DEA的发电企业综合效率评价

    DEA-based synthetical efficiency evaluation of power generation enterprise

  9. 本文提出了一种基于FLEX和J2EE技术架构的发电企业物资管理与电子商务采购平台解决方案。

    This paper puts forward a method based on J2EE and FLEX technical architecture of power generation enterprise material management and e-commerce purchasing platform solutions .

  10. 将CIMS的理念、方法、技术与体制改革之后的发电企业相结合,无疑会为发电企业迅速适应市场的变化提供强有力的保证。

    The introduction of the philosophy , methodology and technology of CIMS will guarantee the power plants to adapt to the vertiginous power market .

  11. 建立了发电企业在电量与备用共同市场规则下策略竞价的供给函数均衡(SFE)模型,分析了其市场势力对两种市场的影响。

    The impacts of generation suppliers ' market power on both two kind markets are analyzed .

  12. 结合当今流行的Web技术和项目管理的思想,规划和设计了一套新型大修管理系统,以适应当前发电企业对大修工程的要求。

    It will be a helpful choice the computer , which will carry through the project management . Coming with the popular web technology and the idea of project meet the demands of the electricity enterprise to the overhaul engineering .

  13. 有关cdm未来会否提供资金的疑问,还促使发电企业推迟新的风力发电投资。

    Doubts over whether CDM funding will be available in the future has also prompted power companies to stall new wind power investments .

  14. 在圣安东尼奥市,国有发电企业CPSEnergy,计划通过推广多种鼓励计划和促进手段,通过能源增效,使用电量在2020年下降771兆瓦。

    In San Antonio , the municipally owned power provider , CPS Energy , has plans to cut its consumption by 771 megawatts through energy efficiency by 2020 , using various incentives and nudges .

  15. 不完全信息、垄断电力市场下,发电企业在博弈中需要准确预测对手信息,因此提出一种基于多主体平台(Swarm)的2阶段演化博弈模型。

    In incomplete information and monopolistic electricity market , power plant needs to predict competitors ' information accurately . A two-phase game model based on multi-agent plat ( Swarm ) was proposed .

  16. 本文首先通过分析ERP系统在国内外的发展与电力行业信息化发展的现状,指出了ERP系统在发电企业应用的发展方向与前景;

    In this paper , the current development situation of the ERP system is analyzed , and the developing direction and prospect used in the electricity power enterprise in ERP system is pointed out .

  17. 本文分析了实现发电企业信息集成的技术要点,并利用比较成熟的J2EE技术,构建了电力MES的体系结构,给出了设备基础信息管理模块的软件设计和实现。

    It also analyzes the main technologies of power plant information integration , uses J2EE technology to construct the power MES system structure and finishes software design and realization of the equipment foundation information management module .

  18. 简述了发电企业在建立ISO14001环境管理体系时应注意的一些问题,对如何建立和运行环境管理体系提出了建议,以促进企业的环境保护工作。

    ISO14001 EMS is a current environment management model , some problems those shoudbe noticed in setting up ISO14001 EMS in power plant have been stated .

  19. 在介绍物料需求计划原理的基础上,结合发电企业备品配件的需求特点,利用ERP(SAP)软件实现对发电企业备品配件的需求计划管理。

    On the basis of introduction to the principle of material requirement plan , linked up with the peculiarity of requirement plan for spare parts , this article introduces the management by ERP ( SAP ) software to the requirement plan for spare parts in power enterprises .

  20. 目前,发电企业信息化加速发展,SIS系统在新建大型火电工程中正在普遍推广应用,同时,一些已经投入运行的大型火电厂,也纷纷增建SIS系统。

    Currently , Generating enterprises to accelerate the development of information technology , SIS in the new large thermal power projects are generally applied , at the same time , Some have been put into operation a large fire power plants , have an SIS .

  21. 以电力公司向发电企业购电角度,提出了基于GA-MPT最优购电策略的农电市场均衡模型。

    From the interests of power purchase , this article proposed the rural market equilibrium model based on GA-MPT optimal power purchase strategy .

  22. 这既是对A-J效应的一个补充和完善,同时也为目前发电企业解决负债率偏高问题提供思路。

    This is not only a supplement to the AJ effect and improvement , but also supplies a solution for the debt problems arising from the present high rate of power generation companies .

  23. 然而发电企业的跑马圈地不仅没有获利,反而使自身承受巨额的亏损,传统的A-J效应并不能解释上述问题。

    But power companies " staking " not only did not get more absolute profits , but makes its own commitments huge losses , the traditional interpretation of the AJ effect can not solve the problem .

  24. 解释结构模型,独立发电企业,风险分析。

    Interpretative Structure Modeling , Independent Power Enterprise , Risk Analysis .

  25. 发电企业经营博弈过程中的效仿行为仿真研究

    Research on Imitative Behavior in Business Game Process of Power Plant

  26. 火力发电企业价值链分析与成本控制

    Value Chain Analysis and Cost Control of Coal Fired Power Companies

  27. 发电企业实施排污权交易初探

    Analysis of Pollution Emission Permits Trading Between Electric Power Plants Enterprises

  28. 发电企业竞争力来源和评价模型

    The Source and Evaluation Model on the Competitiveness of Generation Enterprises

  29. 收益现值法在发电企业整体资产评估中的应用

    Application of the Discounted Income Method in Valuation of Power Enterprises

  30. 燃煤发电企业发展战略及其实证分析

    The Development Strategy and an Empirical Study of Coal-generating Power Enterprises