
fǎn yìnɡ shí
  • reaction time
  1. 职业暴露TNT对子代视力及视反应时的影响

    The impact of occupational TNT exposure on vision and visual reaction time in offspring

  2. 关联负变化(CNV)与反应时的关系

    The correlations between contingent negative variation ( cnv ) and reaction time

  3. 当一植物对不平衡地施用生长素起反应时,总是产生乙烯。

    Whenever a plant responds to applied , i.e. , unbalanced , applications of auxin , ethylene is produced .

  4. 后来当我母亲告诉我父亲的反应时,我为自己的不良行为感到羞愧。

    Later when my mother told me about my father 's response , I felt ashamedof my bad behavior .

  5. 当你的身体学会对压力做出反应时,它就能更好地保护你不受疾病的伤害。

    When your body learns to respond to some stress , it 's able to protect you better from illness .

  6. 2型糖尿病在急性应激反应时血尿酸与C反应蛋白的相关性研究

    The Study on the Relationship between CRP and the Level of Serum Uric Acid in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Patients with Acute Stress Reaction

  7. 除反应时指标外,ERP(Event-RelatedPotential)是一种很有效的注意研究手段。

    Besides time index , ERP ( Event-related Potential ) was also an effective study method for attention .

  8. 建立了CFRP抗震加固底部框架砌体结构地震反应时程分析的方法。

    The time-history analytical method of earthquake response to hybrid masonry-concrete structures strengthened with CFRP is presented .

  9. 并且化学偶联层的分子结构对FRP的增强也密切有关,当偶联层分子参与树脂固化能与树脂大分子发生化学反应时,其增强效果显著。

    Again it was discovered that the reinforcing effect is related with the molecular structure of the chemical coupling layer .

  10. 探讨辐射增强界面反应时PP/PE不相容共混物体系相界面粘接的影响。

    The influence of radiation to enhance the interfacial reaction on the interfacial adhesion of PP / PE incompatible polymer blend was studied by SEM ;

  11. 实验结果表明,反应时数据和ERP数据在两种SOA条件下,均存在显著的情感启动效应。

    The RT findings replicated the affective priming effect , which showed that responses to affectively congruent trials were faster than affectively incongruent trials in each SOA condition .

  12. 结论异种移植发生延迟性排斥反应时,P选择素和ICAM-1均有表达,可以作为判断异种移植免疫抑制治疗效果的指标之一。

    Conclusion The expression of P-selectin and ICAM-1 in xenografts was increased during delayed xenograft rejection , which is of value in judging the effect of immunosuppression in xenotransplantation .

  13. 目的探讨应用超谐波声学造影和声学密度定量(AD)技术,定量评价异体移植肾急性排异反应时皮质血流灌注的价值。

    Objective To evaluate the value of using ultraharmonic contrast imaging ( UHCI ) and acoustic densitometry ( AD ) technique to quantify cortex blood perfusion of acute rejection in renal allograft .

  14. 目的检测心脏移植物局部IFNγmRNA在排斥反应时的动态表达情况及其与移植心自然生存时间、移植心局部细胞浸润的联系。

    Objective : This study was designed to determine the expression of IFN γ mRNA in heart allograft and its correlation to postoperative , cell infiltrating and allograft survival time .

  15. 结果随着提示等级的减小,反应时加快,而早期ERP成分P1与N1波幅增大,偶极子定位发现P1位于枕部。

    Result The reaction time became short with the decrease of the cue scale , while P 1 and N 1 components amplitudes increased .

  16. 结论:2mg/kg维拉帕米在应激反应时可减轻氧自由基对小鼠心肌的损伤。

    Conclusion : Intraperitoneal verapamil at the dose of 2 mg / kg can effectively protect mice myocardium from the oxygen free radical during stress response .

  17. 结果表明,不同专项学生间全身反应时(RT)、完成动作时间(MT)及纵跳高度存在明显差异;

    The results show that there is an obvious difference in their total body reaction time ( RT ), motor time ( MT ) and height of vertical jumping .

  18. 肝纤维化(hepaticfibrosis,HF)是肝脏对各种慢性刺激进行损伤修复反应时,以胶原为主的细胞外基质(Extracellularmatrix,ECM)在肝内大量沉积的病理过程。

    Hepatic fibrosis is a pathological process that a large number of collagen-based extracellular matrix ( ECM ) deposited in the liver when the liver did the repairment to a variety of chronic stimulus .

  19. 在高温条件下反应时,SBA-15的介孔结构也没有遭到破坏,分子筛的孔壁能有效阻止活性组分Ni的团聚。

    At high reaction temperatures , the mesoporous structure of SBA-15 was not destroyed and the pore walls of SBA-15 could prevent the aggregation of the nickel species .

  20. 癫痫组和对照组的定向网络与Stroop反应时干扰量呈正相关。

    The orienting network has direct correlation to the time interfered effects of Stroop in epilepsy group and control group .

  21. 研究人员表明当风湿性关节炎中免疫系统过度反应时,GM-CSF的产生可以帮助利用脑中炎症发生时有益的物质。

    The researchers suggest that GM-CSF boosted during the immune system overdrive of rheumatoid arthritis helps harness the beneficial properties of inflammation in the brain .

  22. 结果:选择反应时测验的反应时间(ms)间隔均值是由小年龄组向大年龄组逐渐递降,相临两个年龄组差异显著(P<0.01或P<0.05);

    Result mean ( ms ) of select response time of any age group children reduce step by step from old age group to young and had statistical significance ( P < 0.01 ) between two age groups .

  23. 被甲烷还原的铁矿石在TG试验中与空气反应时,只出现一个明显的增重段,从350℃开始直到反应温度的上限1100℃,增重速率较快的区间是400~850℃。

    Hematite reduced by methane reacted with air in TG experiment ap-peared only one weight increase from 350 to 1 100 ℃ . Weight increase was faster at temperature 400 ~ 850 ℃ .

  24. 当Na2S阳极电解液与硫化氢气体反应时,固相硫稳定存在于pH较低和H2S分压较小的环境中。

    When the anolyte is reacted with H_2S gas , solid sulfur phase is stable if both pH of the solution and partial pressure of H_2S gas are lower .

  25. 不同质量PET切片的非等温结晶动力学稀土催化体系催化聚酯固相缩聚反应时添加适当稳定剂,可获得与采用传统催化体系得到的PET切片相近的热稳定性。

    STUDY ON THE NON-ISOTHERMAL CRYSTALLIZATION KINETICS OF PET WITH DIFFERENT QUALITY The thermal stability of PET from SSR with little stabilizing agent and pure rare earth system is similar to one of PET from SSR with traditional system .

  26. 当选用DMF为溶剂,且不加催化剂的条件下,在温度为303K反应时,原料的转化率高达98.50%,主产物马鞭草烯酮的选择性高达51.00%。

    While the conversion is 98.50 % and the selectivity of verbenone is up to 51.00 % in DMF .

  27. 碳化钛的形成依赖于钛、钒等强碳化物形成元素,高温电弧冶金反应时钛、钒能够直接与碳化合生成TiC和VC。

    The formation of TiC-VC is dependent on Ti and V for their forceful carbonizing ability . TiC and VC can be formed by combination of Ti and VC with in high temperature arc metallurgic reaction .

  28. 态度(Attitude)是个体对特定社会客体以一定方式做出反应时所持有的稳定的、评价性的内部心理倾向,群众的社会态度直接或者间接的与各种冲突的发生存在着一定的内在联系。

    Attitude is the stable and appraise disposition inside mentally , which is held by individual when he respond to a specific social object with certain way . There exist some inner link between the social attitude and kinds of conflict , directly or indirectly .

  29. 结果表明,猪肝中小分子质量的酸催化DFP水解反应时,并非水解P-F键.而是水解P-OR键,说明该酶是一种催化DFP分子中磷酯健水解的磷酯酶。

    The results showed that the small molecular enzyme could catalyze the hydrolysis of DFP , but without the production of F-ion , and that this enzyme is one kind of phosphoesterase that hydrolyzed P-OR bond of DFP .

  30. 增加刺激强度但不出现M反应时,比目鱼肌和腓肠外侧肌的H反射振幅增加,但前者比后者大得多,有明显差异。

    When the intensity of the stimulus was increased , the H-reflex amplitude in soleus increased much more than in lateral gastrocnemius , The difference between the amplitudes of the H-reflex in slow and fast muscles was already evident with the stimuli subliminal for M-responses .