
  • 网络duration of response
  1. 考察的因素有:煤种、温度、粒径、流速、加煤方式、反应持续时间,气化剂的类型。

    The factors concerned are coal type , reaction temperature , particle size of coal , gas flow rate , coal feeding methods , reaction time and gasification agents .

  2. 快反应阶段持续时间约3~6h,随模拟降雨的pH值不同而不同,pH值愈低,持续时间愈短。

    It lasted 3 ~ 6 hours in the fast stage . The duration was different with the pH value of rain , i.e. , the lower the pH value , the shorter it will be .

  3. 在燃烧过程中,射流的引射制约着射流流体与周围环境气体的掺混过程,从而影响火焰的发展及化学反应的持续时间。

    The gas entrainment controls the mixing rate of the jet fluid with the ambient fluid and affects the development of the flame and the residence time of reacting gas in a reaction system and the overall chemical reaction .

  4. 嗅觉反应的反应持续时间随浓度升高呈指数上升趋势,味觉反应不具有这种趋势。

    Durations of olfactory response increased with the increase in stimuli concentrations . No changes were found in gustatory response durations .

  5. 对于海洋石油平台,结构抗震设计要求提供地震动峰值、反应谱、持续时间以及速度时程等参数。

    The seismic design of offshore oil platform structure requires some parameters such as peak ground motion value , response spectra , duration , and acceleration time-history .

  6. 土拉伦菌和大肠杆菌O:157动物的皮肤反应轻、持续时间短,48小时后即消失;

    Coli O : 157 were weak and short , disappeared within 48 hours , while no reaction to brucellin occurred when the animals were sensitized with E.

  7. 白细胞介素2(IL-2)和白细胞介素2受体(IL-2R)的相互作用在调节T-细胞免疫反应的强度和持续时间方面起着中心作用。

    Interleukin 2 ( IL-2 ) plays a central role in regulating the proliferation of T cell . the magnitude and duration of T cell immune response via its specific interaction with its cognate receptor ( IL-2R ) .

  8. 在其中1项研究中,治疗反应的持续中位时间为15个月,另一项研究为11个月。

    Responses lasted a median of15 months in one study and11 months in the other study .

  9. 抑制性反应能持续较长的时间。

    Long - lasting period .

  10. 与Ⅱ组相比,Ⅰ组直接喉镜经口气管插管的心血管反应更强烈和持续时间更长。

    As compared to Group ⅱ, the cardiovascular response to orotracheal intubation was stronger and longer in Group ⅰ .

  11. 支架置入术后局部和系统炎症反应的强度和持续时间直接与患者的预后有关。

    The magnitude and persistence of the local and systemic inflammatory responses to stent implantation are strictly linked to outcome .

  12. 一些患者对治疗发生了比别人要早的反应。疗效持续的时间也各不相同。

    Some patients reacted more quickly to the treatment than others , and the length of the effect also varied .

  13. 碱活性反应具有缓慢、持续时间长的特征,在选用骨料时,必须严格控制活性骨料的使用。

    The alkali active reaction has the characteristics of slow and long duration . It should strictly control the use of active aggregate as it is selected .

  14. 其CSFC表现为混合细胞反应,且这种细胞反应持续时间长。

    Their CSFC show mixed cell reaction and the reaction is enduring .

  15. 有毒副反应组中重度反应患者毒副反应持续时间、体外循环(CPB)时间和主动脉阻断时间均较轻度反应患者长(P<0.05);

    The adverse reaction to protamine lasting time , CPB times and aortic cross clamp time were significantly longer in patients with moderate-severe adverse reaction than those with mild reaction in adverse reaction group ( P < 0.05 ) .