
  • 网络feedback suppressor;feedback exterminator
  1. 因此,如果研制出具有自主知识产权的自动声反馈抑制器,将具有强大的市场竞争力。

    We must develop automatic feedback suppressor with own intellectual property to possess enormous competitive strength of marketing .

  2. 基于DSP的声反馈抑制器的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of Acoustic Feedback Suppresser Based on DSP

  3. 针对效果器、激励器、反馈抑制器在扩声系统中采用不同连接方式时所具有的特点和适用性作了较为详细的分析。

    The features and applicability of effect instrument , aural eniter , and feedback sound suppressor with different kinds of connecting methods are analyzed .

  4. 这些方法不仅对音质损伤大、传声增益提高较小,操作也不方便。声反馈抑制器克服了传统声反馈抑制器的缺点,具有声音失真小、传声增益提高大和操作方便等优点。

    These methods hurt the normal sound , only improve the system gain a little and are not easy to operate . A new generation of acoustic feedback suppresser appears .

  5. 探讨声反馈产生原因及提高多媒体报告厅扩声系统传声增益的对策,提出使用反馈抑制器是已建多媒体报告厅抑制声反馈的最佳途径;

    This paper discusses the cause of the production of acoustical feedback and the countermeasures to improve sound transmission gain of the sound amplifying system in the multimedia report hall .