
The rapid design of the formed turning tools by the method of reverse - shape
De-configuration of Public Space
I had invested preparing brazing alloy by powder metallurgy method in contrast with electric arc smelting method and measured wetting angle by measuring data reciprocal form method in contrast with sphere simulation technique method .
In the steady operation , the waveforms of the efficiency and power factor are in converse shape of letter V with the changes of voltage .
Under conditions of high technological novelty a linear relationship between empowerment and speed was found , but under conditions of high technological turbulence the relationship was reverse U-shaped .
Furthermore , the increase of the volume fraction and grain sizes of the soft phase , in the Sn-doped ribbons , increases the portions of reversible magnetization and decreases the nucleation field H_n .
Than ten kilometers and , coincides with the rough sketch of the reversed S-shaped structure . The clear concentration center of Au anomaly has a peak of more than 3 g / t , and reflects obviously the occurence of gold orebody .
The Reasons and Countermeasures on Badness Physique of the National Woman
This equation represents an inverse sigmoidcurve . these are to represents ;
A physical modeling on Mechanism of reverse S-shaped fold-and-thrust belts in the northern Qaidam Basin
The curve of kidney perfusion was contra - parabola and bilateral curves were almost overlap in the normal person .
Studies show that pinching could obviously be observed in the horizontal shear versus shear angle hysteresis loops , which exhibited reverse-S shape .
The survival curves of rice seeds stored at room temperature showed anti-S-shape and the loss of seed viability was not declined constantly over time .
It is necessary to get the certain standard of design storm values for urban drainage planning . The specialty of urban design storm is that the statistical distribution has an anti-S shape , the design standard is lower and the duration is short .
The Slab Solution for Biconical Punch for Backward Extrusion of Cup-like Piece
Pragmatic Properties of Ambivalent Phenomena in English
In term of lexics and etymology , we use the method of comparative linguistics to explore the root of contronym .
The experiments prove the effectiveness of semi-active friction in lowering the pressure of backward extrusion for cup-like pieces of rolling bearing steel .
Based on the comparison between the theoretical values and experimental values , the presented results of biconical punch is suitable for engineering application in backward extrusion of cup-like pieces .
The expression for the principal stress of backward extrusion with biconical punch under conditions of semi-active friction can be derived from the solution of primary stress of cup-like piece backward extruding with biconical punch .
The application of shape automatic inspection and closed-loop control technique
Tearing mode instability of reversed field pinch configurations
Koilonychia , dome-shaped epiphyses , and vertebral platyspondylia
Influence of the vacuum region on tearing mode instabilities of a reversed field pinch
Tearing mode instabilities have been discussed for a reversed field pinch configuration of Bessel function model surrounded by a vacuum region .
They seem to be designed less to recruit philosophers and potential philosophers than to shape and educate citizens and future statesmen .
The tearing mode instability is investigated for sharp boundary high - β reversed field pinch configurations which are close to the force-free field configuration .
A new measuring technique is presented which makes use of an annular roller probe to obtain the data of complex surface and the measurement principle is discussed .
It presents the technique for machining the tooth of spiral bevel gear in precise forging die , describes the principal of calculating the die parameters from the spiral bevel gears .
To simplify the calculation , inferred with the least squares method has replaced the curve with the straight line the method . Ways will be heaving with the anti-power-shaped stress distribution curve graphic components to simplify the stress distribution above a straight line graph .